Children & Family 兒童與家庭
粵語 Cantonese
English 英語
国语 Mandarin
Opportunities 誠聘招募
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Children & Family 兒童與家庭
粵語 Cantonese
English 英語
国语 Mandarin
Opportunities 誠聘招募
English Ministry
Ministries 牧養事工
English 英語
We are vibrant and friendly people who love and seek God. We have high school teens (grade 8 and up), young adults and young families.
English Worship
In-person English Worship: Sundays @ 10:30 AM
Watch worship service recordings online
Prayer Meeting
Pray together, care for one other, revive the church.
Christian Education
Engage Christian faith with clarity. Think critically and ethically in daily life.
Space to establish identity in Christ, explore Christian faith, develop spiritual foundation.
Alpha Youth
Space for young people to have meaningful conversations on life, faith & purpose.
Guitar Lessons
Let's learn how to play guitar and sing praises to God!