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Family News:
- 2025 Theme: "Abide in Christ, Renewal in life."
Theme verse: "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5, NIV)
- CM Sunday School will be held at 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. in the side sanctuary. Today's topic is Articles 13 of the MB Confession of Faith, Love and Nonresistance. All are welcomed to enroll.
- EM will have a forum today (Feb 9) after EM Service to introduce their ministries in 2025. The forum will be conducted in English. All congregations are welcomed to join.
- CM Prayer Meeting will be held on Feb 12 (Wednesday) from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. via Zoom to pray for the Chinese School. Congregants are welcome to attend and make Bethel a prayer driven church. Please contact church office for Zoom link information.
- Finance Department Announcement:
The 2024 tax receipts have been prepared and will be distributed in the basement after MM or CM worship on February 9 (today), February 16, and February 23. If you are unable to collect your tax receipt at the church on these Sundays, 2024 tax receipts of $20 or more will be mailed to the congregation on February 24.
- According to the church protocol, if there are bad weather conditions, the chairman of the Deacons' Board and the senior pastor will discuss whether the church needs to be closed. If the closure day is Sunday worship day, the worship will be changed to online live broadcast via Zoom. The Zoom link and all arrangements will be posted on our church website (www.bethelmb.org) before 6:30 a.m. on the same day. Please note that the church will notify the congregations through different communication media (email, phone call, Whatsapp, WeChat, etc.).
- EM Christian Education: "Leading like Jesus"
In the 10 sessions, we will learn how God chooses his people to lead, how to lead like the Great Shepherd, and how to recognize the needs of the people.
Let’s learn how we can lead like Jesus in the church and in roles outside church ministry. We are here to make disciples that will impact lives wherever we go.
- Women's Fellowship
We want to create a comfy & sacred space for women to come together to relax and have some tea, coffee, and light refreshments!
When? Every second Saturday of the month @ 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. starting March 2025.
Women are welcome to join us to share, laugh, cry, and pray together @ Bethel’s Sanctuary.
- Guitar Lessons
Have you ever wanted to learn how to play guitar and sing praises to God?
On March 8, 2025, we will offer 10 sessions for beginners every Saturday morning from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Bethel’s Prayer Tower Room. Please bring your guitar and join us for fun! Please sign up with Pastor Peter Chong.
- Pastoral Corner: January 2025 - Rev. Stephen Woo.
- 2024主題:「我是葡萄樹,你們是枝子。」
主題經文:「我是葡萄樹,你們是枝子。常在我裡面的,我也常在他裡面,這人就多結果子;因為離了我,你們就不能做甚麼。」(約翰福音 15:5)
- 今天粵語主日學將於崇拜後12時至1時在副堂舉行。本主日內容是門諾弟兄會信仰宣言第13條,愛及不抗爭,歡迎會眾出席。
- 英語事工(EM)將於今天(2月9日)英語祟拜後舉行2025年英語事工簡報會。屆時將與會眾分享英語事工2025年的計劃及展望。簡報會將以英語進行,不設翻譯,有意者歡迎參與。
- 粵語祈禱會將於2月12日(三)晚上8時至9時在線上舉行,為中文學校祈禱,歡迎會眾踴躍出席,讓頌主堂成為禱告的教會。請聯絡教會辦公室索取線上連結方法。
- 財務部通告:
- 跟據教會章呈的指引,如遇上惡劣天氣環境時,執事會主席和主任牧師會商討教會是否需要關閉。如關閉當天是主日崇拜日,崇拜會改為以Zoom 網上直播形式進行,Zoom的連結和一切安排會在當天早上6時30分前在教會網站(www.bethelmb.org)刊登, 並且盡量會以不同渠道(email, phone call, Whatsapp, WeChat等)通知會眾,敬請留意!
- 2月12日(三)開始,EM 逢星期三晚上7時半至9時於線上有領導訓練,一共10堂,請為此禱告。
- 3月8日(六)開始,EM每月第二週六的早上10時至中午12時,有姊妹小組,請為此禱告。
- 3月8日(六)開始,EM逢星期六早上10時至中午12時,有結他訓練,一共10堂,請為此禱告。
- 頌主牧函:2025年1月 - 胡志雄牧師。
- 2024主题:「我是葡萄树,你们是枝子。」
主题经文:「我是葡萄树,你们是枝子。常在我里面的,我也常在他里面,这人就多结果子;因为离了我,你们就不能做什么。」(约翰福音 15:5)
- 今天粤语主日学将于崇拜后12时至1时在副堂举行。本主日内容是门诺弟兄会信仰宣言第13条,爱及不抗争,欢迎会众出席。
- 英语事工(EM)将于今天(2月9日)英语祟拜后举行2025年英语事工简报会。届时将与会众分享英语事工2025年的计划及展望。简报会将以英语进行,不设翻译,有意者欢迎参与。
- 粤语祈祷会将于2月12日(三)晚上8时至9时在线上举行,为中文学校祈祷,欢迎会众踊跃出席,让颂主堂成为祷告的教会。请联络教会办公室索取线上连结方法。
- 财务部通告:
- 跟据教会章呈的指引,如遇上恶劣天气环境时,执事会主席和主任牧师会商讨教会是否需要关闭。如关闭当天是主日崇拜日,崇拜会改为以Zoom 网上直播形式进行,Zoom的连结和一切安排会在当天早上6时30分前在教会网站(www.bethelmb.org)刊登, 并且尽量会以不同渠道(email, phone call, Whatsapp, WeChat等)通知会众,敬请留意!
- 2月12日(三)开始,EM 逢星期三晚上7时半至9时于线上有领导训练,一共10堂,请为此祷告。
- 3月8日(六)开始,EM每月第二周六的早上10时至中午12时,有姊妹小组,请为此祷告。
- 3月8日(六)开始,EM逢星期六早上10时至中午12时,有结他训练,一共10堂,请为此祷告。
- 頌主牧函:2025年1月 - 胡志雄牧师。