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Family News:
- 2025 Theme: "Abide in Christ, Renewal in life."
Theme verse: "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5, NIV)
- CM Sunday School will be held at 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the side sanctuary. Today's topic is Articles 14 of the MB Confession of Faith, The Sanctity of Human Life. All are welcomed to enroll.
- CM Prayer Meeting will be held on Feb 19 (Wednesday) from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. via Zoom to pray for the Chinese School. Congregants are welcome to attend and make Bethel a prayer driven church. Please contact church office for Zoom link information.
- Finance Department Announcement:
The 2024 tax receipts have been prepared and will be distributed in the basement after MM or CM worship on February 16 (today) and February 23. (Please prepare your personal "Offering Number" for a quicker tax receipt pickup.) If you are unable to collect your tax receipt at the church on these Sundays, 2024 tax receipts of $20 or more will be mailed to the congregation on February 24.
- Membership Department Announcement:
In order to improve the roll call process for CM Sunday worship and to cooperate with the computerization plan of the attendance record system, starting from March 9, 2025, the attendance record of CM Sunday worship will be changed to self-roll call by the congregation. The steps are very simple. After arriving at the roll call counter, the congregation only needs to find their own roll call row according to the first letter of their surname in English, and then find their own name in the corresponding roll call paper in order, and use a black marker to delete the word "ABS" for that Sunday, and the roll call step is completed. For example, "Chan Tai Man", the first letter of Chan is "C", so the row of the sign "A to G", and then find "Chan Tai Man 陳大文" in order on the roll call paper of that row, and delete the "ABS" of Chan Tai Man on that Sunday, and the roll call step is completed. If you have any questions, there are still brothers and sisters from the Membership Department at the front desk to provide assistance. EM will also take this procedure later on April.
- The prayer and Bible reading journals have been printed and are available at the reception desk.
- Obituary: Our member, Tin Lap Wong, passed away on Feburary 7, 2025 (Friday). The funeral will be held at 4 p.m. on February 20 (Thursday) in Glenhaven Memorial Chapel. May the Lord comfort the family.
- Congratulations to our MM member Nancy’s daughter, Ukey. Praise God that Ukey gave birth to a baby girl, Amber (6 lbs) on February 6, 2025. They have prepared refreshment for everyone to share their joy. Refreshment will be served in the basement after Sunday services.
- According to the church protocol, if there are bad weather conditions, the chairman of the Deacons' Board and the senior pastor will discuss whether the church needs to be closed. If the closure day is Sunday worship day, the worship will be changed to online live broadcast via Zoom. The Zoom link and all arrangements will be posted on our church website (www.bethelmb.org) before 6:30 a.m. on the same day. Please note that the church will notify the congregations through different communication media (email, phone call, Whatsapp, WeChat, etc.).
- February 17 (Monday) is Family Day public holiday and the office will be closed.
- Pastoral Corner: February 2025 - Pastor Peter Chong.
- 2024主題:「我是葡萄樹,你們是枝子。」
主題經文:「我是葡萄樹,你們是枝子。常在我裡面的,我也常在他裡面,這人就多結果子;因為離了我,你們就不能做甚麼。」(約翰福音 15:5)
- 粵語主日學將於崇拜後12時至1時在副堂舉行。本主日內容是門諾弟兄會信仰宣言第14條,生命的神聖,歡迎會眾出席。
- 粵語祈禱會將於2月19日(三)晚上8時至9時在線上舉行,為中文學校祈禱,歡迎會眾踴躍出席,讓頌主堂成為禱告的教會。請聯絡教會辦公室索取線上連結方法。
- 財務部通告:
- 會友部報告:
為改善粵語主日崇拜點名流程,並為配合出席記錄系統電腦化計劃,由 2025年3月9日開始,粵語主日崇拜出席記錄將會改由會衆自行點名,步驟十分簡便,會衆祇需到達點名前台後,按姓氏英文字第一個字母,找到自己的點名行列,再在相應點名紙點名行列上按排列找出自己名字,用黑色箱頭筆將該主日的 “ABS” 字樣刪除,點名步驟便完成。例如"陳大文",陳(Chan) 的第一個英文字母是 “C”,所以排指示牌“A 至G” 的一行,然後在該行列的點名紙上,按次序找岀 "Chan Tai Man 陳大文 ”,並將陳大文 在該主日的 "ABS” 刪除,就完成了點名步驟。如有問題,仍有會友部弟兄姊妹在前台可提供協助。國語及英語崇拜將於稍後應用此程序。
- 祈禱讀經日誌已印發好,歡迎會眾於接待處索取。
- 訃告:本堂會友黃天立弟兄於2025年2月7日(五)安息主懷,將於2月20日(星期四)下午4至6時假Glenhaven殯儀館舉行最後送行,並於2月21日(五)下午1時於Forest Lawn 舉行安葬禮,願主安慰家屬。
- 喜訊:祝賀本堂會友劉敏姊妹的女兒Ukey弄瓦之喜!感謝神!劉敏姊妹的女兒Ukey已於本年2月6日順利誕下嬰兒Amber體重6磅。今天他們為大家預備了感恩茶點, 歡迎弟兄姊妹朋友崇拜後到土庫享用。
- 跟據教會章呈的指引,如遇上惡劣天氣環境時,執事會主席和主任牧師會商討教會是否需要關閉。如關閉當天是主日崇拜日,崇拜會改為以Zoom 網上直播形式進行,Zoom的連結和一切安排會在當天早上6時30分前在教會網站(www.bethelmb.org)刊登, 並且盡量會以不同渠道(email, phone call, Whatsapp, WeChat等)通知會眾,敬請留意!
- 2月17日(一)為家庭日公眾假期,辦公室將休息一天。
- 頌主牧函:2025年2月 - 張俊德傳道。
- 2024主题:「我是葡萄树,你们是枝子。」
主题经文:「我是葡萄树,你们是枝子。常在我里面的,我也常在他里面,这人就多结果子;因为离了我,你们就不能做什么。」(约翰福音 15:5)
- 粤语主日学将于崇拜后12时至1时在副堂举行。本主日内容是门诺弟兄会信仰宣言第14条,生命的神圣,欢迎会众出席。
- 粤语祈祷会将于2月19日(三)晚上8时至9时在线上举行,为中文学校祈祷,欢迎会众踊跃出席,让颂主堂成为祷告的教会。请联络教会办公室索取线上连结方法。
- 财务部通告:
- 会友部报告:
为改善粤语主日崇拜点名流程,并为配合出席记录系统电脑化计划,由 2025年3月9日开始,粤语主日崇拜出席记录将会改由会众自行点名,步骤十分简便,会众只需到达点名前台后,按姓氏英文字第一个字母,找到自己的点名行列,再在相应点名纸点名行列上按排列找出自己名字,用黑色箱头笔将该主日的 “ABS” 字样删除,点名步骤便完成。例如"陈大文",陈(Chan) 的第一个英文字母是 “C”,所以排指示牌“A 至G” 的一行,然后在该行列的点名纸上,按次序找岀 "Chan Tai Man 陈大文 ”,并将陈大文 在该主日的 "ABS” 删除,就完成了点名步骤。如有问题,仍有会友部弟兄姊妹在前台可提供协助。国语及英语崇拜将于稍后应用此程序。
- 祈祷读经日志已印发好,欢迎会众于接待处索取。
- 讣告:本堂会友黄天立弟兄于2025年2月7日(五)安息主怀,将于2月20日(星期四)下午4至6时假Glenhaven殡仪馆举行最后送行,并于2月21日(五)下午1时于Forest Lawn 举行安葬礼,愿主安慰家属。
- 喜讯:祝贺本堂会友刘敏姊妹的女儿Ukey弄瓦之喜!感谢神!刘敏姊妹的女儿Ukey已于本年2月6日顺利诞下婴儿Amber体重6磅。今天他们为大家预备了感恩茶点, 欢迎弟兄姊妹朋友崇拜后到土库享用。
- 跟据教会章呈的指引,如遇上恶劣天气环境时,执事会主席和主任牧师会商讨教会是否需要关闭。如关闭当天是主日崇拜日,崇拜会改为以Zoom 网上直播形式进行,Zoom的连结和一切安排会在当天早上6时30分前在教会网站(www.bethelmb.org)刊登, 并且尽量会以不同渠道(email, phone call, Whatsapp, WeChat等)通知会众,敬请留意!
- 2月17日(一)为家庭日公众假期,办公室将休息一天。
- 頌主牧函:2025年2月 - 张俊德传道。