Pastor Peter Chong was born and raised in Malaysia. He graduated from Carey Theological College with a Master of Divinity. He volunteered and served the marginalized on Downtown Eastside for 3 years, served as a Family and Children Ministry Full-time Pastor for 5 years. He is now serving as a Full-time English Pastor. His passion is to help followers of Jesus to truly live out Christian faith daily.
He is married to Jennifer with three children, 16, 13, and 11. He loves cars, coffee, hiking, and having a great conversation with people. You can contact Pastor Peter at
張傳道與妻子 Jennifer 育有三名子女,分別是16、13和11歲。張傳道喜愛汽車、咖啡、遠足、與人聊天。你可以透過電郵 與張傳道聯繫。
Mon, Wed to Fri 週一、三至五 :
上午 9 AM - 下午 5 PM ;
Sun 週日 :
上午 8:30 AM - 下午 12:30 PM