Pastor Tommy Yuen was born in Hong Kong, China. He graduated from Carey Theological College with a Master of Divinity. He is now serving as a Full-time Mandarin Pastor. His passion is to teach and equip believers to be more like Jesus and reach out to non-believers to know Jesus.
Tommy is married to Tina with two children. He loves all kinds of Sports, Chatting, and Drama, and is good at cooking. You can contact Pastor Tommy at
袁名慧傳道出生於中國香港。 他畢業於克理威廉神學院,獲得道學碩士學位。 他現擔任全職國語傳道。 他熱衷於教導和裝備信徒, 讓他們變得更像耶穌,並幫助非信徒認識耶穌。
袁傳道與妻子Tina育有兩名子女。 袁傳道喜歡各種運動、聊天和戲劇,並擅長烹飪。 您可以透過電郵 與袁傳道聯繫。
Mon, Wed to Fri 週一、三至五 :
上午 9 AM - 下午 5 PM ;
Sun 週日 :
上午 8:30 AM - 下午 12:30 PM