We are a people continuously transformed by the living God to grow and multiply as God’s disciples.
Our Mission 我們的使命宣言
A prayer driven church. 以禱告作推動的教會。
A vibrant worshipping church. 雀躍敬拜的教會。
A fervent evangelistic outreaching church. 火熱傳福音的教會。
A committed disciple-making church. 盡心建立門徒的教會。
A passionately caring church. 熱誠關懷的教會。
We strive to be a prayer driven church where we submit our agendas to God and rely on the power of the Holy Spirit. 我們竭力成為一間禱告的教會,把一切的計劃構思都仰賴 神,並倚靠聖靈的能力去成事。
We strive to be a God worshipping church where our lives are transformed through worshipping God corporately and individually. 我們竭力成為一間敬拜 神的教會,透過集體及個人敬拜,讓我們的生命得著更新。
We strive to be an evangelistic outreaching church where we engage seekers through local evangelism and global missions. 我們竭力成為一間福音外展的教會,透過本地福音工作去得著尋道者,並支持普世宣教。
We strive to be a disciple-making church where we learn to be obedient to the lordship of Jesus Christ; become mature through knowing God, and are equipped to train others to be disciples. 我們竭力成為一間建立門徒的教會,學習順服耶穌基督的主權;透過認識 神,不斷地長進,並裝備自己訓練他人作門徒。
We strive to be a passionately caring church where we support one another, care for one another, and encourage one another through fellowship. 我們竭力成為一間熱誠關懷的教會,透過相交生活彼此扶持、彼此關顧、彼此鼓勵。