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Dear brothers & sisters,

Lately, the core members of the Mission and Outreach Department have been spending some time listening to each member and identifying what the Lord has put into their hearts. Moreover, I have been giving overall spiritual direction in the Mission and Outreach Ministry. I have already posted both of the redefined Mission and Outreach Ministry focus on the Mission and Outreach Bulletin Board at the back of the Sanctuary and basement EM Bulleting Board.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank God for giving Bethel many brothers and sisters who are passionate about leading others to our Lord Jesus Christ. I believe there are more brothers and sisters in three of our congregations who would like to get involved and participate in the work of God in our church, community, and the world. Our team would like to walk alongside and empower you to do greater things.

This year our BCMB Conference has called all MB churches to go back to the Great Commission given by our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:16-20. The reason why our conference leaders instructed MB churches across BC to go back to the basics is because we have done many programs within the church and yet have forgotten all those training, learning, and practicing the way of Jesus were meant to make an impact on someone’s life outside of the church!

Apostle Paul mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:24-25, “…But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other.” Just as Paul mentioned, we as leaders of the church would like to give each member at Bethel greater honor and train you up. Listen, brothers and sisters, everything we do in the church has a purpose; it is for the purpose of disciple-making. Our church leadership would love to empower the whole church, young and old, to participate in the work of God with confidence. However, we cannot disciple our church members unless there is commitment and participation.

Our Mission and Outreach Department are both currently trying to recruit more people to serve. In the meantime, our Mission Department will evaluate our current financial support to all of the mission organizations. As for Outreach Department, we have already begun developing new outreach ministries as well as planning for workshops. Please stay tuned for more information.

We would like to have a great conversation with you and see what the Lord has given in your hearts. Please talk to our pastoral team or Mission or Outreach Department head Ken Hu to arrange a time to seek the Lord together!

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at peter.chong@bethelmb.org. Please continue to pray for our church.  Thank you.

In Christ,
Pastor Peter Chong






使徒保羅在哥林多前書12:24-25中提到,「...但神配搭這身子,把加倍的體面給那有缺欠的肢體,免得身上分門別類,總要肢體彼此相顧 。」正如保羅所提到的,作為教會的領袖,我們願意給頌主堂的每一位成員更大的榮譽,並培訓你們。弟兄姊妹們,請理解,我們在教會裡所做的一切都是有目的的;這是為了栽培門徒。我們的教會領袖希望賦予整個教會力量,無論男女老少,都能滿懷信心地參與神的工作。然而,除非有委身和參與,否則我們無法培訓我們的教會成員。









今年,我们的BCMB大会呼吁所有MB教会回到我们的主耶稣基督在马太福音28:16-20中给予的大使命。我们的大会领袖之所以指示卑诗省各地的MB教会回归本源,是因为我们在教会内做了许多计划,却忘记了所有那些训练、学习和实践耶稣的方式,都是为了对教会以外的人 的生命产生影响!

使徒保罗在哥林多前书12:24-25中提到,「...但神配搭这身子,把加倍的体面给那有缺欠的肢体,免得身上分门别类,总要肢体彼此相顾 。」正如保罗所提到的,作为教会的领袖,我们愿意给颂主堂的每一位成员更大的荣誉,并培训你们。弟兄姊妹们,请理解,我们在教会里所做的一切都是有目的的;这是为了栽培门徒。我们的教会领袖希望赋予整个教会力量,无论男女老少,都能满怀信心地参与神的工作。然而,除非有委身和参与,否则我们无法培训我们的教会成员。



