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12月份,是普世欢腾的日子,因有一婴孩为我们而生…他名称为:奇妙策士、全能的神、永在的父、和平的君! (赛9:6)


圣诞节主角是耶稣,祂爱世上每一个人,祂不愿有一人沉沦,乃愿万人得救。因为神差他的儿子降世,不是要定世人的罪,乃是要叫世人因他得救。(约 3:17) 这是主耶稣的心意。作为祂儿女的我们,最好的礼物就是在社会、邻居、亲友中为主作美好生命的见证,天天传扬福音,让更多的人认识,并相信耶稣。

教会在这段期间有不同的活动都是朝着这个方向,22号主日崇拜之后,将会举办庆祝的活动,包括聚餐和节目表演。我们的积极参与固然重要,但邀请亲朋戚友参加是同样重要,因为能透过崇拜、聚餐、节目表演,把福音的门打开,让他们认识我们和我们的信仰。活动后,国语部会'走出去',到两个未信的家庭里去报佳音,把福音带到他们家庭当中,请在祷告中纪念这次的活动。在24号有整个教会的报佳音活动,同样是’走出去’, 离开我们舒适区,走到人群当中, 让人认识圣诞的真正意义和我们的教会。圣诞节不是世人所说:自己可以在节日前加上什么都可以,所为X'mas;也不是购物,而是给予 - 神给世界上每一个人「救恩」的礼物;更不是圣诞老人,而是主耶稣。在当天24号的晚上还有平安夜烛光崇拜,让我们一同回想主耶稣诞生的情景,思想神的爱;最后,在29号下午的年终感恩祷告会,一起诉说神在这一年来的恩典和祝福,让我们带着感恩的心,迎接新的一年。




Dear brothers & sisters,

December is a time for joy to the world, for to us a child is born… he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace! (Isa. 9:6)

According to church tradition, Advent is the four Sundays before Christmas. This year, it begins on the Sunday of December 1. Through this season, we prepare our hearts to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and to anticipate His glorious return with hope. Are you prepared?

The main character of Christmas is Jesus. God loves everyone in the world, he does not want anyone to perish. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him (John 3:17). This is our Lord Jesus' desire. As his children, our best gift is to be good witnesses for our Lord in the society and to our neighbors, families and friends; spreading the gospel to let more people know and believe in Jesus.

Our church has different activities during this time that are aimed for this purpose. After the Sunday worship service on the 22nd, there will be celebration activities, including lunch and performances. Our active participation is important, but it is equally important to invite our families and friends to join us. Because through worship, communal meal, and performances, the door to the gospel is opened to allow them to learn about us and our faith. After the activities, the Mandarin congregation will “go out” to Christmas caroling at two unbelievers' homes to bring the gospel to their families. Please remember this event in your prayers. On the 24th, our whole church is going to Christmas caroling together. This is also about “going out”, leaving our comfort zone to go among the crowd, and letting people know Christmas’ true meaning and our church. Christmas is not what the world says: you can add anything before the holiday. The so-called X'mas is not about shopping, but about giving – God's gift of "salvation" to everyone in the world; nor is it about Santa Claus, but about Lord Jesus. On the evening of the 24th, we have a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. Let us reflect on the birth of Lord Jesus and meditate on God’s love together. Lastly, at the Year-end Thanksgiving Prayer Meeting in the afternoon of the 29th, we share about God’s grace and blessings from the past year, and we look forward to the new year with a heart of thanksgiving.

The birth and return of Jesus Christ bring us many opportunities to reflect, allowing us to meditate about the Lord’s grace and His will, and to respond to God’s grace and His Great Commission with actions.

In Christ,
Pastor Tommy





聖誕節主角是耶穌,祂愛世上每一個人,祂不願有一人沉淪,乃願萬人得救。因為神差他的兒子降世,不是要定世人的罪,乃是要叫世人因他得救。(約 3:17) 這是主耶穌的心意。作為祂兒女的我們,最好的禮物就是在社會、鄰居、親友中為主作美好生命的見証,天天傳揚福音,讓更多的人認識,並相信耶穌。

教會在這段期間有不同的活動都是朝著這個方向,22號主日崇拜之後,將會舉辦慶祝的活動,包括聚餐和節目表演。我們的積極參與固然重要,但邀請親朋戚友參加是同樣重要,因為能透過崇拜、聚餐、節目表演,把福音的門打開,讓他們認識我們和我們的信仰。活動後,國語部會'走出去',到兩個未信的家庭裏去報佳音,把福音帶到他們家庭當中,請在禱告中紀念這次的活動。在24號有整個教會的報佳音活動,同樣是’走出去’, 離開我們舒適區,走到人羣當中, 讓人認識聖誕的真正意義和我們的教會。聖誕節不是世人所說:自己可以在節日前加上什麼都可以,所為X’mas;也不是購物,而是给予 - 神給世界上每一個人「救恩」的禮物;更不是聖誕老人,而是主耶穌。在當天24號的晚上還有平安夜燭光崇拜,讓我們一同回想主耶穌誕生的情景,思想神的愛;最後,在29號下午的年終感恩禱告會,一起訴說神在這一年來的恩典和祝福,讓我們帶著感恩的心,迎接新的一年。

