Joint Year-end Thanksgiving Prayer Meeting @ 11: 30 AM in the main sanctuary. Start from 2024, CM prayer meeting will reschedule to Sunday at 11:30, the first Sunday will have joint prayer meeting.
Jan. 7, 2024: Deacons' Installation Joint Service @10:00 AM in the main sanctuary.
Start from January 2024, offering collection will resume during Service, please prepare your heart and monetary gift to God.
Chinese school and Discovery Club hosted a joint Christmas celebration on last Sat (Dec.23). Thanks God and all the helpers that around 50 parents and kids attended and celebrated the birth of Jesus.
On Sunday, December 10, 2023, the Board of Deacons and the Pastoral Team received a formal resignation from Sarah Lok to step down from her leadership duties as a Deacon effective January 1, 2024. On behalf of the Church and the Pastoral Staff, the Deacons have motioned and respectfully accepted Deacon Sarah's resignation. Bethel has been blessed by her faithfulness and devotion to serve and lead the Church. A by-election shall be called in accordance with Bethel's Bylaw. Details of the by-election will be announced soon. May we continue to walk in unity and bond in Jesus' love. May we continue to be faithful during this time of change.
Missions Fund Update: Our Missions Fund Budget (From January to December 2023) is $72,300. Approximate $6,025 a month. The fiscal year of Mission Fund ends at the end of December. However, as of November 26, 2023, the Missions Fund offering received only $41,776.36. We are still short $30,523.64. Please continue to pray and support our Mission Ministry.
Julie will be on sick leave from December 19 to January 9 next year.
EM will start a course on Christian Worship every Wednesday night from January 3 to February 7, 2024 @ 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM in the basement chapel, for a total of 6 sessions. We will explore the theological background of each worship element in a church service. We pray that our worship gatherings will have a greater purpose with deeper meaning! We will conduct the course in English only. Please contact Pastor Peter Chong for more information and Zoom meeting info. All are welcome!
Rev. Woo will be on leave Jan 3, 4 & 5.
Church office will be closed on Jan. 2 for New Year Day in lieu.
Thanks be to God for generous sisters' & brothers' offerings this year! To make sure your donations count towards your 2023 donation receipt, please submit your offering in person by the end of service on Sunday, December 31.
英語事工將於2024年1月3日至2月7日每週三晚上7:30 -8:30在教會地庫舉行基督教敬拜課程,共6堂課。我們將探討教會禮拜中每個敬拜元素的神學背景。祈求我們的敬拜聚會能有更大的目的、更深刻的意義!我們將以英語授課。Zoom網上登入資料和詳情,請聯絡張俊德傳道(Pastor Peter Chong)。
英语事工将于2024年1月3日至2月7日每周三晚上7:30 -8:30在教会地库举行基督教敬拜课程,共6堂课。我们将探讨教会礼拜中每个敬拜元素的神学背景。祈求我们的敬拜聚会能有更大的目的、更深刻的意义!我们将以英语授课。Zoom网上登入资料和详情,请联络张俊德传道(Pastor Peter Chong)。