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Family News:

  1. Theme 2024: "Walk with Jesus with actions and in truth"
    Theme verse: "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." (1 John 3:18)
    Sub-theme for Fall (Oct-Dec): "Walk with Jesus, share His grace."
    Sub-theme verse: "Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day." (Psalm 96:2)
  2. Today is Bethel's 46th Anniversary, after worship we will have photo taking at the sanctuary and refreshment in the basement. Please join us and enjoy this great event.
  3. Deacon Election was successfully held on September 22. 165 active members were eligible to vote, and a total of 110 ballots were returned which exceeded the required quorum of 99 returned ballots. (Candidate must receive at least 60% of the total returned ballots, that is 66 votes, to be effectively elected.)
    “Yes” votes received as follows:
    • Ivan Chiu: 103
    • Ivan Liu: 104
    • Yi Jun Tan: 106
    • Roy Tang: 107
    All candidates received more than 60% of the votes and were elected as deacons to serve a 2-year term (2025-2026).
  4. Church Baptism and Membership Transfer Service will be held on Oct 13 at 11:45 a.m. during the Cantonese worship service in our sanctuary.
    The following is the candidate for Baptism:
    1. Joseph Wu (CM)
    2. Shi Jit Teng (MM)
    3. Alice Chan (EM)
    4. Matthew Chong (EM)
    The following is membership transfer:
    1. Zoe Fan (CM)
    2. Lily Deng (MM)
  5. A seminar on "Emotional Illness" will be held on Oct 20 (Sun) at 2:30 - 4:00 pm at Bethel. A clinical psychologist & college lecturer will come to lead the seminar. Welcome to attend and invite friends to join. Free admission.
  6. Pastoral Corner: September 2024 - Pastor Tommy Yuen.



  1. 2024主題:「與主同行,踐行真道
    主題經文:「小子們哪,我們相愛,不要只在言語和舌頭上,總要在行為和誠實上。」(約翰一書 3:18)
    季度金句:「要向耶和華歌唱,稱頌他的名!天天傳揚他的救恩!」(詩篇 96:2)
  2. 今主日是頌主堂46週年堂慶日,為感謝主歷年來的關顧及帶領,聯合崇拜有大合照,並於土庫舉行週年慶祝茶會,敬希各會衆稍移玉步,到土庫參加茶會、分享生日蛋榚及拍照。
  3. 「執事選舉」已於9月22日順利舉行,有投票權的常到會友人數為165人。 投票總數為110,超過法定所需的投票總數99。(候選人需要最少得到投票總數的60%即66票方能有效當選。)
    • 趙子文Ivan Chiu 弟兄:103
    • 廖廣泉Ivan Liu弟兄:104
    • 譚毅君姊妹Yi Jun Tan:106
    • 鄧錦榮Roy Tang弟兄:107
    所有候選人均獲得超過60% 的選票,當選為執事,任期兩年(2025-2026)。
  4. 教會浸禮及轉會禮將於10月13日上午11時45分在本堂粵語崇拜中舉行。
    1. 胡展鴻 Joseph Wu (粵語)
    2. 滕世杰 Shi Jit Teng (國語)
    3. 陳夐恩 Alice Chan (英語)
    4. 張錦溢 Matthew Chong (英語)
    1. 樊春燕 Zoe Fan (粵語)
    2. 鄧艷顏 Lily Deng (國語)
  5. 10月20(日)下午2時30分至4時將舉行認識情緒病講座,認識情緒問題和情緒病,了解情緒的影響力和對人生的影響,並且初步辨識有情緒問題人士的特徵和相處方法。嘉賓講員為關仲平博士 (註冊臨床心理治療師及大專講師),費用全免,歡迎參加。
  6. 頌主牧函:2024年9月 - 袁名慧傳道



  1. 2024主题:「与主同行,践行真道
    主题经文:「小子们哪,我们相爱,不要只在言语和舌头上,总要在行为和诚实上。」(约翰一书 3:18)
  2. 今主日是颂主堂46周年堂庆日,为感谢主历年来的关顾及带领,联合崇拜有大合照,并于土库举行周年庆祝茶会,敬希各会众稍移玉步,到土库参加茶会、分享生日蛋榚及拍照。
  3. 「执事选举」已于9月22日顺利举行,有投票权的常到会友人数为165人。 投票总数为110,超过法定所需的投票总数99。 (候选人需要最少得到投票总数的60%即66票方能有效当选。)
    • 赵子文Ivan Chiu 弟兄:103
    • 廖广泉Ivan Liu弟兄:104
    • 谭毅君姊妹Yi Jun Tan:106
    • 邓锦荣Roy Tang弟兄:107
    所有候选人均获得超过60% 的选票,当选为执事,任期两年(2025-2026)。
  4. 教会浸礼及转会礼将于10月13日上午11时45分在本堂粤语崇拜中举行。
    1. 胡展鸿 Joseph Wu (粤语)
    2. 滕世杰 Shi Jit Teng (国语)
    3. 陈夐恩 Alice Chan (英语)
    4. 张锦溢 Matthew Chong (英语)
    1. 樊春燕 Zoe Fan (粤语)
    2. 邓艳颜 Lily Deng (国语)
  5. 10月20(日)下午2时30分至4时将举行认识情绪病讲座,认识情绪问题和情绪病,了解情绪的影响力和对人生的影响,并且初步辨识有情绪问题人士的特征和相处方法。嘉宾讲员为关仲平博士 (注册临床心理治疗师及大专讲师),费用全免,欢迎参加。
  6. 頌主牧函:2024年9月 - 袁名慧傳道