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Family News:

  1. Theme 2024: "Walk with Jesus with actions and in truth"
    Theme verse: "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." (1 John 3:18)
    Sub-theme for Fall (Oct-Dec): "Walk with Jesus, share His grace."
    Sub-theme verse: "Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day." (Psalm 96:2)
  2. Winter Season is here. We are recruiting a snow shoveling team to stand by just in case of snow storms. We want to keep our church sidewalks safe for all pedestrians can safely walk around the church property. Please contact Len Ho and Jack Law of General Business Department for more information.
  3. Due to the increase in the price of flowers, the thank-you offering of flowers will be changed to a thanks-giving offering in 2025. The names of the brothers and sisters who have given thanks will still be printed in the worship bulletin. On some special church days, the church will still prepare flowers as thanksgiving. In 2025, the donation amount will remain at $50. The donation poster has been posted at the lobby door for everyone to fill in.
  4. Finance Dept Announcements:
    Praise the Lord for the faithful offerings from our brothers and sisters this year! To ensure your donations are included in the 2024 tax receipts, please take note of the following:
    1. Donation Methods & Deadlines:
      • In-Person Offerings: Place your offering in the offering bag by the end of the worship service on Sunday, December 29, 2024.
      • E-Transfer Offerings: Complete your e-transfer by 12:00 noon on Tuesday, December 31, 2024.
    2. Offering Envelopes or E-Transfer Notes:
      • For offering envelopes: Clearly write your full name (in English) and Offering Number, to ensure accurate record-keeping and tax receipt issuance.
      • For e-transfers: Include the necessary details in the memo field as usual.
    3. Updating Personal Information:
      • If your personal information, such as your address, phone number, or email address, has changed, please notify the church office to update your records.
    If you have any questions, please contact Wallace in the Finance Department.
    Thank you for your generous support of the church’s ministry!
  5. Music Department would like to arrange a joint choir on Dec 22 Christmas Joint Worship. CM, EM and MM congregations are welcomed to join. The practice schedule will be held on Dec 15th at 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. and on Dec 22nd at 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Please sign up at church office or contact Joe Chan if you are interested.
  6. Due to the overwhelming response, all 120 meal tickets for the Christmas Lunch on Dec 22, 2024 (Sunday) have been sold out. Meal ticket holders are requested to attend on time on that day. Tables will be set up in the church’s basement. The lunch will start at 12:30 p.m. If you have time after the meal, please go to the main sanctuary to enjoy the Christmas party. Those who do not hold a meal ticket can also attend the party directly in the main sanctuary at 1:45 p.m.
  7. There will be Christmas caroling at Kingsway on Dec 24 (Tues) at 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. and at brothers and sisters' home at 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Practice time will be held at 1:20 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. on Dec 15. All are welcomed to join this outreach event. Please register at the church office or contact Ken Hu for inquiries.
  8. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service will be held on Dec 24 at 7:00 PM in the main sanctuary. Flyers are available at church office, main entrance, and basement chapel entrance for inviting your families and friends to join. Let us celebrate and remember the birth and coming of Jesus Christ together!
  9. Starting from January 2025, CM prayer meeting will change to Wednesday night at 8pm via Zoom, and Joint Prayer meeting will keep on every first Sunday after Cantonese Service. CM Sunday School will be held from 12:15 to 1:00 after Cantonese Service (except the first Sunday due to the joint prayer meeting).
  10. January to March CM Sunday School will teach Articles 12 to 17 of the MB Confession of Faith, and discuss issues such as State and Church, peaceful resistance, abortion and euthanasia, environmental protection, and other religions. Please register at the church office.
  11. Multipurpose Room and Kitchen (MK) Renovation Special Offering
    The plan to renovate the basement kitchen into a Multipurpose room and Kitchen (MK) was presented to the congregation at the special town hall meeting on September 8 and information about the renovation project is also posted on the main floor bulletin board. The design and budget of the renovation project are under review. The renovation is targeted to take place in the first quarter of next year.
    The Board resolved that special offering will be collected for the MK Renovation Project from November 10, 2024 (Sunday) until the project is complete. To make a special offering for the MK Renovation, please write "MK" on the offering envelope (or on the Memo field for e-transfer).
    News and updates about the renovation will be announced as they become available. Please continue to pray for the renovation project.
  12. Pastoral Corner: December 2024 - Pastor Tommy Yuen.



  1. 2024主題:「與主同行,踐行真道
    主題經文:「小子們哪,我們相愛,不要只在言語和舌頭上,總要在行為和誠實上。」(約翰一書 3:18)
    季度金句:「要向耶和華歌唱,稱頌他的名!天天傳揚他的救恩!」(詩篇 96:2)
  2. 冬季來臨了。我們正在招募一支鏟雪隊,以防萬一有暴風雪。我們希望保持教堂周圍的人行道無雪安全,讓所有行人都行走平安。請聯繫總務部的羅梓權弟兄和何凌昌弟兄瞭解更多資訊。
  3. 由於鮮花的價錢上升,2025年獻花感恩奉獻,將會改為感恩奉獻,感恩奉獻的弟兄姊妹名字,依舊會在崇拜週刊印出,在一些教會特別日子,教會仍然會預備鮮花作為感恩。2025年感恩奉獻金額仍然維持$50正。奉獻表已貼在大堂門口,以便大家填寫。
  4. 財務部通告:
    1. 奉獻方式與截止日期及時間:
      • 親自奉獻:請於2024年12月29日(主日)崇拜結束前,將奉獻親自投入奉獻袋。
      • 電子轉帳(e-transfer)奉獻:請於2024年12月31日(星期二)中午12時正或之前完成轉帳。
    2. 奉獻封或電子轉帳備註:
      • 奉獻封:請清楚寫上英文姓名及奉獻编號(Offering Number),以便準確核對並發放退稅收據。
      • 用電子轉帳時:請跟往常一樣按規定在備註欄註明所需資料便可。
    3. 更新個人資訊:
      • 如果您的個人資訊(如地址、電話號碼或電子郵件地址)有變更,請通知教會辦公室以更新記錄。
  5. 12月22日為聖誕聯合崇拜,聖樂部會安排聯合詩班獻詩,詩班歡迎弟兄姊妹參與一齊事奉,有興趣者可到辨公室報名登記。練詩日期為12月15日12時15分至1時15分及12月22日上午9時至10時。詳請可向陳大輝弟兄查詢。
  6. 由於反應熱烈,2024年12月22日(主日)舉行的頌主堂聖誕聚餐,所有120張餐劵經已悉數售罄,持有餐劵者請在當日準時入席,席設教會土庫,聚餐時間於下午12時30分開始。餐後若有時間,敬請稍移玉步,到正禮堂欣賞聖誕聯歡會。未持有餐劵者,亦可於下午1時45分直接到正禮堂參加聯歡會。
  7. 12月24日(二)下午12時至1時30分,在Kingsway有報佳音及派單張。另下午3時至4時30分赴會友家報佳音。練詩時間是12月15日下午1時20分至2時。歡迎弟兄姊妹參加。報名請到辦事處,或向胡建文部長查詢。
  8. 平安夜燭光崇拜將於12月24日在禮堂舉行。歡迎到教會辦事處、正門接待處和土庫禮堂索取傳單,邀請您的家人和朋友參加。讓我們一同慶祝和思念耶穌基督的誕生和降臨!
  9. 2025年1月開始,粵語祈禱會將改於星期三晚上8時網上進行,聯合祈禱會仍然照舊於第一主日崇拜後舉行。而主日學將改於崇拜後12時15分至1時舉行(第一主日除外,因有聯合祈禱會)。
  10. 1月至3月的粵語主日學將會教導門諾弟兄會信仰宣言12至17條,一起探討政教、和平抗爭、墮胎安樂死、環保、別異宗教等問題,歡迎前往辦事處報名。
  11. 多用途室與廚房(MK)裝修的特別奉獻
    把土庫廚房裝修成多用途室與廚房(Multipurpose room and Kitchen)的計劃已於9月8日舉行的特別家會向會眾介紹,有關裝修工程的資訊亦已張貼在正層公告板上。裝修 工程的設計和預算正在審議中,工程預計於明年第一季進行。
    若有裝修工程的新消息,將向會眾公佈。請繼續為 裝修工程祈禱。
  12. 頌主牧函:2024年12月 - 袁名慧傳道



  1. 2024主题:「与主同行,践行真道
    主题经文:「小子们哪,我们相爱,不要只在言语和舌头上,总要在行为和诚实上。」(约翰一书 3:18)
  2. 冬季来临了。我们正在招募一支铲雪队,以防万一有暴风雪。我们希望保持教堂周围的人行道无雪安全,让所有行人都行走平安。请联系总务部的罗梓权弟兄和何凌昌弟兄了解更多资讯。
  3. 由于鲜花的价钱上升,2025年献花感恩奉献,将会改为感恩奉献,感恩奉献的弟兄姊妹名字,依旧会在崇拜周刊印出,在一些教会特别日子,教会仍然会预备鲜花作为感恩。2025年感恩奉献金额仍然维持$50正。奉献表已贴在大堂门口,以便大家填写。
  4. 财务部通告:
    1. 奉献方式与截止日期及时间:
      • 亲自奉献:请于2024年12月29日(主日)崇拜结束前,将奉献亲自投入奉献袋。
      • 电子转帐(e-transfer)奉献:请于2024年12月31日(星期二)中午12时正或之前完成转帐。
    2. 奉献封或电子转帐备注:
      • 奉献封:请清楚写上英文姓名及奉献编号(Offering Number),以便准确核对并发放退税收据。
      • 用电子转帐时:请跟往常一样按规定在备注栏注明所需资料便可。
    3. 更新个人资讯:
      • 如果您的个人资讯(如地址、电话号码或电子邮件地址)有变更,请通知教会办公室以更新记录。
  5. 12月22日为圣诞联合崇拜,圣乐部会安排联合诗班献诗,诗班欢迎弟兄姊妹参与一齐事奉,有兴趣者可到辨公室报名登记。练诗日期为12月15日12时15分至1时15分及12月22日上午9时至10时。详请可向陈大辉弟兄查询。
  6. 由于反应热烈,2024年12月22日(主日)举行的颂主堂圣诞聚餐,所有120张餐劵经已悉数售罄,持有餐劵者请在当日准时入席,席设教会土库,聚餐时间于下午12时30分开始。餐后若有时间,敬请稍移玉步,到正礼堂欣赏圣诞联欢会。未持有餐劵者,亦可于下午1时45分直接到正礼堂参加联欢会。
  7. 12月24日(二)下午12时至1时30分,在Kingsway有报佳音及派单张。另下午3时至4时30分赴会友家报佳音。练诗时间是12月15日下午1时20分至2时。欢迎弟兄姊妹参加。报名请到办事处,或向胡建文部长查询。
  8. 平安夜烛光崇拜将于12月24日在礼堂举行。欢迎到教会办事处、正门接待处和土库礼堂索取传单,邀请您的家人和朋友参加。让我们一同庆祝和思念耶稣基督的诞生和降临!
  9. 2025年1月开始,粤语祈祷会将改于星期三晚上8时网上进行,联合祈祷会仍然照旧于第一主日崇拜后举行。而主日学将改于崇拜后12时15分至1时举行(第一主日除外,因有联合祈祷会)。
  10. 1月至3月的粤语主日学将会教导门诺弟兄会信仰宣言12至17条,一起探讨政教、和平抗争、堕胎安乐死、环保、别异宗教等问题,欢迎前往办事处报名。
  11. 多用途室与厨房(MK)装修的特别奉献
    把土库厨房装修成多用途室与厨房(Multipurpose room and Kitchen)的计划已于9月8日举行的特别家会向会众介绍,有关装修工程的资讯亦已张贴在正层公告板上。装修 工程的设计和预算正在审议中,工程预计于明年第一季进行。
    若有装修工程的新消息,将向会众公布。请继续为 装修工程祈祷。
  12. 頌主牧函:2024年12月 - 袁名慧传道