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不經不覺,我在頌主堂的事奉已一年了。回顧過去一年的服事,心裡充滿了感恩。尤其是看見教會在人數上和奉獻上的止跌回升,肢體間聯繫的密切,事工部門間的分工配搭,實在是頌主堂最美麗的一度風景。而最最要緊的是,看見教會事事跟隨基督,以主為首,謙卑聆聽會眾聲音,落實門諾弟兄會以民主體制組成教會的行政方式… 凡此種種,都是叫人欣慰,討神喜悅的事情。

2023年9月,教會整體崇拜的平均出席是180人,及至2024年9月,平均出席人數上升至200人。而2023年9月底的累計奉獻收入是76,637.20,至2024年9月底的累計奉獻收入已上升至130,277.66。數字是不會騙人的,我們身體是否健康,都是倚靠許多數字來顯示的,如: 血壓、心跳、血糖、身高體重比例、視力、聽力… 教會和信徒靈命的健康也不例外,崇拜出席和奉獻是其中兩樣較明顯的指標;教會只要健康,便自然會增長。盼望到明年9月底,教會的整體崇拜人數,能在主的恩典下衝破250人。當然,教會的健康和增長,是全賴神的恩典和工作,不過也要我們常常透過禱告倚靠神,藉著聖靈的能力,成就神要頌主堂成就的大事。而除了禱告,也要我們在靈命和事奉上,更顯出長進和委身。神已在我們中間行了奇妙的事,讓我們在財政赤字、空間限制,和人手短缺上,經歷了「與主同行」的恩典,讓我們繼續「與主同行」,恩典湧流,常存感恩的心活出信望愛。



10至12月的季題是「與主同行,分享主恩」,而教會也有不少事工活動,如10月20日,教會有認識情緒病講座,11月有差傳電影 (8/11)、工作坊 (15, 23/11)、年會(10, 17/11),12月有聖誕。讓我們把握機會,裝備自己,帶領更多人來頌主堂,認識耶穌基督,並領受祂寶貴的恩典。每日「與主同行」是我們生活的力量,沒有了主和與祂的連繫,我們的生活必會一團糟,更不能榮神益人。我們已經過了三季的「與主同行」,讓我們在餘下的一季和整生中,繼續竭力在生活中「與主同行」,阿們。



Dear brothers and sisters,

Time flies, it has already been a year since I started serving at Bethel. Looking back on the past year of ministry, my heart is filled with gratitude. Especially seeing the church’s steady recovery in terms of attendance and offerings, the close relationships among the members, and the collaboration and coordination among ministry departments — all of this is truly the most beautiful scenery of Bethel. Most importantly, it’s encouraging to see that the church is following Christ in all things, with Christ as the head, humbly listening to the congregation, and implementing the MB’s democratic practice to church governance. These are all things that bless us and please God.

In September 2023, the average attendance for the church’s worship was 180. By September 2024, the average attendance had risen to 200. At the end of September 2023, the cumulative offering was 76,637.20, and by the end of September 2024, it had increased to 130,277.66. Numbers don’t lie; just as we rely on many numbers to indicate our physical health, such as blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar, body mass index, vision, and hearing, the health of the church and our spiritual lives are no different. Worship attendance and offerings are two of the most obvious indicators. As long as the church is healthy, it will naturally grow. I hope that by the end of next September, the number of people attending worship will break through 250 by God’s grace. Of course, the health and growth of the church depend entirely on God’s grace and work, but we must also constantly rely on God through prayer and accomplish the great things He wants us to achieve through the power of the Holy Spirit. Besides prayer, we must also show growth and dedication in our spiritual lives and service. God has already performed wonderful works among us, allowing us to experience the grace of “Walk with Jesus” in the midst of financial deficits, space constraints, and a shortage of workers. Let us continue to “Walk with Jesus,” with grace overflowing, and live out faith, hope, and love with hearts full of gratitude.

To better utilize the church’s space, the Deacon Board specially arranged a family forum on September 8 to listen to and consult the congregation about the renovation plan for the basement kitchen. Thank God, the originally scheduled 20 to 30-minute meeting was extended to 50 minutes, which shows the congregation’s concern and enthusiastic participation. I hope that when this plan is implemented, both safety and functionality can be taken into account, and that it will meet the needs of the various ministry departments. Bethel is a big family, but it is not governed by dictatorship or authoritarianism. On the contrary, because we are all members of one body, we must be even more connected to one another and linked to Christ, the head, with each part serving its role, so that all glory and praise are given to God.

The various parts of the body serving in their roles were fully evident in the recent Mid-Autumn Lantern Riddle Night. Before, during, and after the event, we saw the close connection between members and the cooperation among ministry departments, which allowed the event to be smoothly and successfully held, attracting many neighbors and new friends. More than 110 people attended that night, celebrating the festival and gathering joyfully. Those who served were greatly blessed by the joy of teamwork, and the attendees also felt the warmth and joy of a family gathering. This is truly the most beautiful scenery of Bethel. I hope that Bethel will continue to display this beautiful scenery to the outside world and attract more people to experience His grace. Yes, when we live out faith, hope, and love, that warmth can touch people’s hearts and illuminate lives.

The theme for the October to December quarter is “Walk with Jesus, Share His grace.” The church has already planned various activities, such as a seminar on emotional health on October 20, a mission film screening in November (Nov. 8), workshops (Nov. 15, 23), Missions Sunday (Nov. 10, 17), and Christmas in December. Let us seize these opportunities to equip ourselves and lead more people to Bethel to know Jesus Christ and receive His precious grace. “Walk with Jesus” daily is the strength of our lives. Without the Lord and our connection with Him, our lives would be a mess, and we would not be able to glorify God or bless others. We have already gone through three quarters of “Walk with Jesus,” so let us strive to keep “Walk with Jesus” in the remaining quarter and throughout our lives. Amen.

Sincerely yours,
Rev. Woo



不经不觉,我在颂主堂的事奉已一年了。回顾过去一年的服事,心里充满了感恩。尤其是看见教会在人数上和奉献上的止跌回升,肢体间联系的密切,事工部门间的分工配搭,实在是颂主堂最美丽的一度风景。而最最要紧的是,看见教会事事跟随基督,以主为首,谦卑聆听会众声音,落实门诺弟兄会以民主体制组成教会的行政方式… 凡此种种,都是叫人欣慰,讨神喜悦的事情。

2023年9月,教会整体崇拜的平均出席是180人,及至2024年9月,平均出席人数上升至200人。而2023年9月底的累计奉献收入是76,637.20,至2024年9月底的累计奉献收入已上升至130,277.66。数字是不会骗人的,我们身体是否健康,都是倚靠许多数字来显示的,如: 血压、心跳、血糖、身高体重比例、视力、听力… 教会和信徒灵命的健康也不例外,崇拜出席和奉献是其中两样较明显的指标;教会只要健康,便自然会增长。盼望到明年9月底,教会的整体崇拜人数,能在主的恩典下冲破250人。当然,教会的健康和增长,是全赖神的恩典和工作,不过也要我们常常透过祷告倚靠神,借着圣灵的能力,成就神要颂主堂成就的大事。而除了祷告,也要我们在灵命和事奉上,更显出长进和委身。神已在我们中间行了奇妙的事,让我们在财政赤字、空间限制,和人手短缺上,经历了「与主同行」的恩典,让我们继续「与主同行」,恩典涌流,常存感恩的心活出信望爱。



10至12月的季题是「与主同行,分享主恩」,而教会也有不少事工活动,如10月20日,教会有认识情绪病讲座,11月有差传电影(8 /11)、工作坊(15, 23/11)、年会(10, 17/11),12月有圣诞。让我们把握机会,装备自己,带领更多人来颂主堂,认识耶稣基督,并领受祂宝贵的恩典。每日「与主同行」是我们生活的力量,没有了主和与祂的连系,我们的生活必会一团糟,更不能荣神益人。我们已经过了三季的「与主同行」,让我们在余下的一季和整生中,继续竭力在生活中「与主同行」,阿们。
