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Family News:
- 2025 Theme: "Abide in Christ, Renewal in life."
Theme verse: "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5, NIV)
- Today after EM Service, there will be a Joint Prayer Meeting at 12:15 p.m. in the main sanctuary to pray for the Cantonese Ministry (CM). All are welcome to participate, making Bethel a prayer driven church. CM Sunday School hence will suspend today.
- Next Sunday (Mar. 9), the daylight saving time will commence at 2:00 a.m. Please be reminded to set your clock 1 hour forward.
- In modern life, we often face stress from work, family, and social media, which leads to the continuous consumption of our physical and mental health. Bethel will hold a seminar on "Stress management" from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on April 6 (Sunday). This seminar aims to help everyone understand the nature of stress, identify personal stress sources and signals, and learn effective management and adaptation strategies to help everyone get out of invisible exhaustion and regain physical, mental and spiritual health. Contents include: 1) Identification and assessment of stress; 2) Causes of stress; 3) Impact of the waste vortex on physical and mental health; 4) Practice of stress management strategies and techniques. You are welcome to bring your family and friends to attend the seminar to get out of the vortex of waste, learn stress management, and create a healthy life. Seminar will conduct in Cantonese only.
- Membership Department Announcement:
In order to improve the roll call process for CM Sunday worship and to cooperate with the computerization plan of the attendance record system, starting from March 9, 2025, the attendance record of CM Sunday worship will be changed to self-roll call by the congregation. The steps are very simple. After arriving at the roll call counter, the congregation only needs to find their own roll call row according to the first letter of their surname in English, and then find their own name in the corresponding roll call paper in order, and use a black marker to delete the word "ABS" for that Sunday, and the roll call step is completed. For example, "Chan Tai Man", the first letter of Chan is "C", so the row of the sign "A to G", and then find "Chan Tai Man 陳大文" in order on the roll call paper of that row, and delete the "ABS" of Chan Tai Man on that Sunday, and the roll call step is completed. If you have any questions, there are still brothers and sisters from the Membership Department at the front desk to provide assistance. EM will also take this procedure later on April.
- Pastoral Corner: February 2025 - Pastor Peter Chong.
- 2024主題:「我是葡萄樹,你們是枝子。」
主題經文:「我是葡萄樹,你們是枝子。常在我裡面的,我也常在他裡面,這人就多結果子;因為離了我,你們就不能做甚麼。」(約翰福音 15:5)
- 今日粵語崇拜後12時15分有聯合祈禱會,為粵語事工禱告,歡迎會眾留步參與,讓頌主堂成為禱告的教會。粵語主日學因祈禱會,暫停一次。
- 下主日3月9日凌晨2時開始恢復夏令時間,請將時鐘撥快一小時!
- 在現代生活中,我們常常面臨工作、家庭、管教與社交等多重壓力,導致身心資源被持續消耗,進入一個「虛耗漩渦」的循環中。教會將於4月6日(日)下午2時至3時30分舉行「走出虛耗漩渦~壓力管理」講座。這個講座旨在帶領大家認識壓力的本質,找出個人壓力來源與信號,並學習有效的管理與調適策略,幫助大家從無形的消耗中走出來,重拾身心靈健康。內容包括:1) 壓力的辨識與評估;2) 產生壓力的因由;3) 虛耗漩渦對身心健康的影響;4) 壓力管理策略與技巧練習。歡迎攜同親友出席講座,一起走出虛耗漩渦,學習壓力管理,締造健康生活。講座將以粵語進行。
- 會友部報告:
為改善粵語主日崇拜點名流程,並為配合出席記錄系統電腦化計劃,由 2025年3月9日開始,粵語主日崇拜出席記錄將會改由會衆自行點名,步驟十分簡便,會衆祇需到達點名前台後,按姓氏英文字第一個字母,找到自己的點名行列,再在相應點名紙點名行列上按排列找出自己名字,用黑色箱頭筆將該主日的 “ABS” 字樣刪除,點名步驟便完成。例如"陳大文",陳(Chan) 的第一個英文字母是 “C”,所以排指示牌“A 至G” 的一行,然後在該行列的點名紙上,按次序找岀 "Chan Tai Man 陳大文 ”,並將陳大文 在該主日的 "ABS” 刪除,就完成了點名步驟。如有問題,仍有會友部弟兄姊妹在前台可提供協助。國語及英語崇拜將於稍後應用此程序。
- 頌主牧函:2025年2月 - 張俊德傳道。
- 2024主题:「我是葡萄树,你们是枝子。」
主题经文:「我是葡萄树,你们是枝子。常在我里面的,我也常在他里面,这人就多结果子;因为离了我,你们就不能做什么。」(约翰福音 15:5)
- 今日粤语崇拜后12时15分有联合祈祷会,为粤语事工祷告,欢迎会众留步参与,让颂主堂成为祷告的教会。粤语主日学因祈祷会,暂停一次。
- 下主日3月9日凌晨2时开始恢复夏令时间,请将时钟拨快一小时!
- 在现代生活中,我们常常面临工作、家庭、管教与社交等多重压力,导致身心资源被持续消耗,进入一个「虚耗漩涡」的循环中。教会将于4月6日(日)下午2时至3时30分举行「走出虚耗漩涡~压力管理」讲座。这个讲座旨在带领大家认识压力的本质,找出个人压力来源与信号,并学习有效的管理与调适策略,帮助大家从无形的消耗中走出来,重拾身心灵健康。内容包括:1) 压力的辨识与评估;2) 产生压力的因由;3) 虚耗漩涡对身心健康的影响;4) 压力管理策略与技巧练习。欢迎携同亲友出席讲座,一起走出虚耗漩涡,学习压力管理,缔造健康生活。讲座将以粤语进行。
- 会友部报告:
为改善粤语主日崇拜点名流程,并为配合出席记录系统电脑化计划,由 2025年3月9日开始,粤语主日崇拜出席记录将会改由会众自行点名,步骤十分简便,会众只需到达点名前台后,按姓氏英文字第一个字母,找到自己的点名行列,再在相应点名纸点名行列上按排列找出自己名字,用黑色箱头笔将该主日的 “ABS” 字样删除,点名步骤便完成。例如"陈大文",陈(Chan) 的第一个英文字母是 “C”,所以排指示牌“A 至G” 的一行,然后在该行列的点名纸上,按次序找岀 "Chan Tai Man 陈大文 ”,并将陈大文 在该主日的 "ABS” 删除,就完成了点名步骤。如有问题,仍有会友部弟兄姊妹在前台可提供协助。国语及英语崇拜将于稍后应用此程序。
- 頌主牧函:2025年2月 - 张俊德传道。