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Family News:
- Theme 2024: "Walk with Jesus with actions and in truth"
Theme verse: "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." (1 John 3:18)
Sub-theme for Apr - Jun: "Walk with Jesus, live out hope"
Sub-theme verse: "Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God." (Psalm 42:5)
- Prayer Meeting will be held at 11:30 am after CM Service in the sanctuary focusing on Outreach Department. Welcome all to join and pray for the church and let us be a prayer-driven church.
- Result of Deacon By-Election and Referendum:
Deacon By-Election was held on Sunday, April 14. 159 active members were eligible to vote, and a total of 117 ballots were returned which exceeded the required quorum of 96 returned ballots. (Candidate must receive at least 60% of the total returned ballots, that is 70 votes, to be effectively elected.) Roy Tang received 113 "Yes" votes and was elected as deacon to serve immediately the remaining term of the vacancy, i.e., until December 31, 2024.
- Result of Referendum:
The Referendum regarding changing the Sunday worship service time was held on Sunday, April 14. 159 active members were eligible to vote, and a total of 120 ballots were returned which exceeded the required quorum of 96 returned ballots. (The resolution must receive at least 60% of the total returned ballots voted "in favour", that is 72 votes, to be passed.) The resolution received 95 "in favour" votes and was successfully passed. After discussion by the Board and the pastoral staff, effective June 2, 2024 (Sunday), Bethel's Sunday worship service and Sunday School time as follows:
- Sunday Worship Service (Mandarin) 9:00 AM
- Sunday Worship Service (Cantonese) 10:30 AM
- Sunday Worship Service (English) 10:30 AM
- Sunday Worship Service (Children) 10:30 AM
- Sunday School (Cantonese) 9:00 AM
- Sunday School (Mandarin) 10:30 AM
- EM is organizing a Retreat for this Summer on July 26,27, and 28 (Fri to Sun). It will be in the countryside in Agassiz. Please pray for our retreat as we are discerning on the theme and logistic. Therefore, additional detail will be released soon. Please save the days and stay tuned! If you wish to join, please contact your fellowship leaders or Pastor Peter to obtain more information.
- On Mother's Day CM Service (May 12), fathers will present a song to honor mothers. Fathers are welcome to join the choir. For details please contact Joe Chan or Ivan Liu.
- On May 12th, it's Mother's Day CM Service as well as Gospel Sunday. You are welcome to bring along your non-Christian mothers to attend, and pray for the Service.
- Chinese School is now hiring a principal and 2-3 teachers, please contact Rev. Woo or deacon Wallace So for details.
- Rev. Woo off in lieu of on May 3.
- The 52nd Greater Vancouver Bible Conference 2024 will be held at 7:30 pm on May 2-5 at ECBC (5110 Marine Drive, Burnaby). Please prepare your time to attend.
- Pastoral Corner: April 2024 - Pastor Peter Chong.
- 2024主題:「與主同行,踐行真道」
主題經文:「小子們哪,我們相愛,不要只在言語和舌頭上,總要在行為和誠實上。」(約翰一書 3:18)
季度金句:「我的心哪,你為何憂悶?為何在我裏面煩躁?應當仰望神,因他笑臉幫助我;我還要稱讚他。」(詩篇 42:5)
- 崇拜後上午11:45於禮堂有祈禱會,為外展部祈禱,歡迎弟兄姊妹留步參加,踴躍為教會事工守望禱告,讓頌主堂成為禱告的教會。
- 執事補選結果:
「執事補選」已於主日4月14日舉行,有投票權的常到會友人數為159人。投票總數為117,超過法定所需的投票總數96。(候選人需要最少得到投票總數的60%即70票方能有效當選。) 鄧錦榮Roy Tang弟兄得到113贊成票,當選為執事,即時生效履行空缺的剩餘任期,即至2024年12月31日。
- 全會友投票結果:
有關更改主日崇拜時間的全會友投票已於主日4月14日舉行,有投票權的常到會友人數為159人。投票總數為120,超過法定所需的投票總數96。(議案需要最少得到投票總數的60%即72票贊成方能通過。) 議案得到95贊成票,有效通過。
- 主日崇拜(國語) 上午9時正
- 主日崇拜(粵語) 上午10時30分
- 主日崇拜(英語) 上午10時30分
- 主日崇拜(兒童) 上午10時30分
- 主日學(粵語) 上午9時正
- 主日學(國語) 上午10時30分
- 5月12日為母親節主日,為人父者將會向母親獻詩致敬,歡迎父親向陳大輝或廖廣泉弟兄報名或查詢。
- 5月12日母親節主日同為福音主日,歡迎肢體擕同未信母親出席,並為聚會禱告。
- 國語部舉辦的「日常應用英語會話班」費用全免。簡報會於5月9日星期四晚上7:00-8:30。課程將於5月30日開始,逢星期四晚上7:00-8:30,共8課。歡迎弟兄姊妹及朋友參加。如有查詢及報名請與袁名慧傳道聯絡。
- 中文學校誠徵校長乙名及老師多名,詳情請聯絡胡牧師或蘇錦棠執事。
- 胡志雄牧師將於5月3日補假。
- 2024第52屆大溫哥華研經培靈會將於5月2-5日,晚上7時半假大溫哥華聖道堂(5110 Marine Drive, Burnaby)舉行。主題:「迷霧濃,從哀禱到讚美」,講員為高銘謙牧師,歡迎預留時間出席。
- 頌主牧函:2024年4月 - 張俊德傳道。
- 2024主题:「与主同行,践行真道」
- 崇拜后上午11:45于礼堂有祈祷会,为外展部祈祷,欢迎弟兄姊妹留步参加,踊跃为教会事工守望祷告,让颂主堂成为祷告的教会。
- 执事补选结果:
「执事补选」已于上主日4月14日举行,有投票权的常到会友人数为159人。投票总数为117,超过法定所需的投票总数96。 (候选人需要最少得到投票总数的60%即70票方能有效当选。) 邓锦荣Roy Tang弟兄得到113赞成票,当选为执事,即时生效履行空缺的剩余任期,即至2024年12月31日。
- 全会友投票结果:
有关更改主日崇拜时间的全会友投票已于上主日4月14日举行,有投票权的常到会友人数为159 人。投票总数为120,超过法定所需的投票总数96。(议案需要最少得到投票总数的60%即72票赞成方能通过。) 议案得到95赞成票,有效通过。
- 主日崇拜(国语) 上午9时正
- 主日崇拜(粤语) 上午10时30分
- 主日崇拜(英语) 上午10时30分
- 主日崇拜(儿童) 上午10时30分
- 主日学(粤语) 上午9时正
- 主日学(国语) 上午10时30分
- 5月12日为母亲节主日,为人父者将会向母亲献诗致敬,欢迎父亲向陈大辉或廖广泉弟兄报名或查询。
- 5月12日母亲节主日同为福音主日,欢迎肢体携同未信母亲出席,并为聚会祷告。
- 国语部举办的「日常应用英语会话班」费用全免。简报会于5月9日星期四晚上7:00-8:30。课程将于5月30日开始,逢星期四晚上7:00-8:30,共8课。欢迎弟兄姊妹及朋友参加。如有查询及报名请与袁名慧传道联络。
- 中文学校诚征校长乙名及老师多名,详情请联络胡牧师或苏锦棠执事。
- 胡志雄牧师将于5月3日补假。
- 2024第52届大温哥华研经培灵会将于5月2-5日,晚上7时半假大温哥华圣道堂(5110 Marine Drive, Burnaby)举行。 主题:「迷雾浓,从哀祷到赞美」,讲员为高铭谦牧师,欢迎预留时间出席。
- 颂主牧函:2024年4月 - 张俊德传道。