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Family News:
- Theme 2024: "Walk with Jesus with actions and in truth"
Theme verse: "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." (1 John 3:18)
Sub-theme for Spring (Apr-Jun): "Walk with Jesus, live out hope"
Sub-theme verse: "Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God." (Psalm 42:5)
- Today is Mother’s Day, and Bethel wishes all mothers happiness, blessings, peace and health! To express our sincere gratitude, Bethel has specially prepared a small gift for all mothers.
- CM Prayer Meeting will be held at 11:45 am after CM Service in the sanctuary focusing on sisters and mothers. Welcome all to join and pray for the church and let us be a prayer-driven church.
- After discussion by the Board and the pastoral staff, effective June 2, 2024 (Sunday), Bethel's Sunday worship service and Sunday School time as follows:
- Sunday Worship Service (Mandarin) 9:00 AM
- Sunday Worship Service (Cantonese) 10:30 AM
- Sunday Worship Service (English) 10:30 AM
- Sunday Worship Service (Children) 10:30 AM
- Sunday School (Cantonese) 9:30 AM
- Sunday School (Mandarin) 10:30 AM
- Congratulation to Anna and James Kong for they have become grandparents and Joshua became an uncle to a beautiful baby girl on April 30th, 2024. Their granddaughter's name is Mila Kong.
- Cantonese Sunday School will start at June 9. Rev. Woo and Mrs. Woo will teach 1 class respectively. For details and registration please go to the basement Discipleship Department's board.
- EM Summer Retreat: We're thrilled to announce that our EM Summer Retreat is just around the corner! This year, we are gearing up for an unforgettable experience filled with spiritual growth, fellowship bonding, and renewal! Retreat Date: July 26 to July 28, 2024 (Fri to Sun) Location: Farm stay in Agassiz, BC Full Retreat (3 days 2 night) Age 4 and up cost $250. Age 3 & Younger cost $125 if you cannot stay over night, you are welcome to join during the day. For day Daytime only $50 per day for Age 4 and up. 25 per day for Age 4 and under Subsidy (Optional): Participants may apply for subsidy. Subsidy will cover up to 50% of the cost. Deadline for applying for a subsidy is May 19, 2024. Part-time participants will not be eligible for subsidy. If you wish to join, please contact your fellowship leaders or Pastor Peter to obtain more information.
- Chinese School is now hiring a principal and 2-3 teachers, please contact Rev. Woo or deacon Wallace So for details.
- As the weather is getting better and different ministries/departments are starting to plan for different church activities, the Deacons Board and the Finance Department would like to remind ministries and departments that all church activities that involve collecting funds need to be reported to the Board first for approval. Further, according to Canada Revenue Agency accounting rules, all money received must be handed to the treasurer to be deposited into the church account. All church activity expenses must be accompanied by receipt and voucher approved by department head for reimbursement through the church. For the purpose of accounting and auditing, all money received and expended must be recorded. If there are any questions, please contact the Deacons Board or the Finance Department.
- On April 11, 2024, the Board of Deacons received a formal resignation from Rev. Alice Leung stepping down as Assistant Pastor of Kidz and Family Ministry. Rev. Leung's last day will be June 30, 2024. The Board of Deacons has accepted Rev. Leung's resignation and appreciates her work as Assistant Pastor of Kidz and Family Ministry for the past 8 years.
- Rev. Woo off in lieu of on May 17.
- Rev. Leung off in lieu of on May 17.
- Rev. Leung is speaking at NS Bethel today (May 12).
- Pastoral Corner: May 2024 - Pastor Tommy Yuen.
- 2024主題:「與主同行,踐行真道」
主題經文:「小子們哪,我們相愛,不要只在言語和舌頭上,總要在行為和誠實上。」(約翰一書 3:18)
季度金句:「我的心哪,你為何憂悶?為何在我裏面煩躁?應當仰望神,因他笑臉幫助我;我還要稱讚他。」(詩篇 42:5)
- 今天是母親節,祝願各位母親快樂蒙恩,平安健康!頌主堂為聊表心意,特別準備小禮物乙份,送給各位母親。
- 崇拜後上午11:45於禮堂有粵語祈禱會,為姊妹及母親祈禱,歡迎弟兄姊妹留步參加,踴躍為教會事工守望禱告,讓頌主堂成為禱告的教會。
- 經執事會與教牧同工商議後,由2024年6月2日(主日)起,本堂的主日崇拜及主日學時間如下:
- 主日崇拜(國語) 上午9時正
- 主日崇拜(粵語) 上午10時30分
- 主日崇拜(英語) 上午10時30分
- 主日崇拜(兒童) 上午10時30分
- 主日學(粵語) 上午9時30分
- 主日學(國語) 上午10時30分
- 感謝神!常來聚會的非會友江牧師伉儷,於4月30日榮升祖父母。本堂謹此恭賀。
- 粵語主日學將於6月9日開始,牧師和師母各教一班。胡牧師教新約導論,適合信徒領袖,或已讀完新約數次的人士參加(只限12人)。師母教箴言中的生命智慧,適合未信、初信及對箴言有興趣人士參加。請前往土庫門訓部壁佈報名。
- EM英語事工將於今年7月26-28日(星期五至星期日)在Agassiz郊野為EM弟兄姊妹舉辦夏季退修營,活動包括敬拜、分享、靈修、團契、遊戲等。4歲及以上參加全營(3日2晚)的費用為$250,3歲及以下為$125。若只參加日營(不留宿),4歲及以上的費用為$50,3歲及以下為$25。若有需要,參加全營者可申請資助補貼。報名和申請補貼的截止日期為2024年5月19日。請為退修營的籌備和報名祈禱。如欲了解更多詳情,請聯絡EM團契負責人或張俊德傳道。
- 中文學校誠徵校長乙名及老師多名,詳情請聯絡胡牧師或蘇錦棠執事。
- 隨著天氣轉好,各事工和部門開始籌備不同的教會活動,執事會及財務部在此提醒各事工和部門,凡涉及收取款項的教會活動,均需先提交執事會批准。並且,根據加拿大稅務局(CRA)的會計規則,所有收到的款項必須交給教會司庫存入教會帳戶,所有教會活動開銷需附有收據和報銷憑單(voucher)經部長核准後透過教會報銷。為了會計和審計目的,所有收支款項均須記錄。如有問題,請聯絡執事會或財務部。
- 2024年4月11日,執事會收到梁婉慧牧師的正式辭呈,辭去兒童及家庭事工傳道的職務。梁牧師的最後工作日期為2024年6月30日。執事會已接納梁牧師的辭職,並感謝她過去8年在頌主堂的服事。
- 胡志雄牧師將於5月17日補假。
- 梁婉慧牧師將於5月17日補假。
- 梁婉慧牧師今天(5月12日)在基督教西北溫頌主堂証道。
- 頌主牧函:2024年5月 - 袁名慧傳道。
- 2024主题:「与主同行,践行真道」
- 今天是母亲节,祝愿各位母亲快乐蒙恩,平安健康!颂主堂为聊表心意,特别准备小礼物乙份,送给各位母亲。
- 粤语崇拜后上午11:45于礼堂有粤语祈祷会,为姊妹及母亲祈祷,欢迎弟兄姊妹留步参加,踊跃为教会事工守望祷告,让颂主堂成为祷告的教会。
- 经执事会与教牧同工商议后,由2024年6月2日(主日)起,本堂的主日崇拜及主日学时间如下:
- 主日崇拜(国语) 上午9时正
- 主日崇拜(粤语) 上午10时30分
- 主日崇拜(英语) 上午10时30分
- 主日崇拜(儿童) 上午10时30分
- 主日学(粤语) 上午9时30分
- 主日学(国语) 上午10时30分
- 感谢神!常来聚会的非会友江牧师伉俪,于4月30日荣升祖父母。 本堂谨此恭贺。
- 粤语主日学将于6月9日开始,牧师和师母各教一班。胡牧师教新约导论,适合信徒领袖,或已读完新约数次的人士参加(只限12人)。师母教箴言中的生命智慧,适合未信、初信及对箴言有兴趣人士参加。请前往土库门训部壁布报名。
- EM英语事工将于今年7月26-28日(星期五至星期日)在Agassiz郊野为EM弟兄姊妹举办夏季退修营,活动包括敬拜、分享、灵修、团契、游戏等。4岁及以上参加全营(3日2晚)的费用为$250,3岁及以下为$125。若只参加日营(不留宿),4岁及以上的费用为$50,3岁及以下为$25。若有需要,参加全营者可申请资助补贴。报名和申请补贴的截止日期为2024年5月19日。请为退修营的筹备和报名祈祷。如欲了解更多详情,请联络EM团契负责人或张俊德传道。
- 中文学校诚征校长乙名及老师多名,详情请联络胡牧师或苏锦棠执事。
- 随着天气转好,各事工和部门开始筹备不同的教会活动,执事会及财务部在此提醒各事工和部门,凡涉及收取款项的教会活动,均需先提交执事会批准。并且,根据加拿大税务局(CRA)的会计规则,所有收到的款项必须交给教会司库存入教会帐户,所有教会活动开销需附有收据和报销凭单(voucher)经部长核准后透过教会报销。为了会计和审计目的,所有收支款项均须记录。如有问题,请联络执事会或财务部。
- 2024年4月11日,执事会收到梁婉慧牧师的正式辞呈,辞去儿童及家庭事工传道的职务。梁牧师的最后工作日期为2024年6月30日。执事会已接纳梁牧师的辞职,并感谢她过去8年在颂主堂的服事。
- 胡志雄牧师将于5月17日补假。
- 梁婉慧牧师将于5月17日补假。
- 梁婉慧牧师今天(5月12日)在基督教西北温颂主堂证道。
- 颂主牧函:2024年5月 - 袁名慧传道。