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「改变」是可能会令人不安的, 这是事实。 我们每天面对的人、事情、环境、心态等...... 都每时每刻不断在改变; 但是「改变」也可以是机会。让我们去思想 ,注入新的动力,新的看法。


在六月份主日崇拜的时间将会改变,这崇拜时间是从2002年8月11日国语崇拜成立开始至今快22年了,都没有更改过。当然,这改变可能会令你不安,不舒服,因为已经习惯了。但「改变」让我们去思想 - 对教会、对我自己、对一些新来宾,有什么的益处?在使徒行传9章1-20节,扫罗在大马士革(大马色)路上 遇见主耶稣的经历,改变了他的下半生。在第9节说到扫罗有三日不能看见,也不吃,也不喝;相信他在这段时间不断地思想过去逼迫主耶稣的事和遇见主耶稣的经历。「改变」能让我们积极,并有动力地面对明天;在9章19-20节说「扫罗和大马士革的门徒同住了些日子,就在各会堂里宣传耶稣,说他是神的儿子。」




Dear brothers & sisters,

"Changes" can be unsettling, that's a fact! We constantly face changes in people, things, environment or mentality, etc. in our every day lives. On the other hand, "changes" can also be an opportunity that lead us to reflect and bring new dynamic and new perspectives.

The weather in Vancouver starts to warm up – it’s a good change from the cold weather. Everything is full of energy and vitality. Similarly, at the end of April, Bethel held a membership transfer ceremony. Several brothers and sisters transferred – i.e. "changed” their membership to join Bethel as their spiritual family and became members of our Church. This introduces a new atmosphere into the church. Two of the new members are from the Mandarin Congregation. Thank God for His grace and give glory to God.

Bethel’s Sunday worship services time in June will be changed. Our currently worship time has not changed since the establishment of the Mandarin service on August 11, 2002, almost 22 years ago. Of course, this change may make you feel uneasy and uncomfortable because you get used to it already. But "change" makes us think about - what benefits will this change bring to the church, to myself, and to some new comers? In Acts 9:1-20, Saul’s encounter with the Lord Jesus on the road to Damascus, changed the rest of his life. Verse 9 says that Saul could not see, eat, or drink for three days; it is believed that during this time he kept thinking about his past persecution of the Lord Jesus and his experience of encountering the Lord Jesus. “Change” allows us to be positive and motivated to face tomorrow; Chapter 9 verses 19-20 says, Saul spent several days with the disciples in Damascus. Then he began to preach in the synagogues that Jesus is the Son of God.

At the beginning of this year, Mandarin Ministry has discussed how to make good use of existing activities and develop outreach ministries: In March, we began to participate in a music program organized by the Killarney community centre and get to know people in this neighbourhood; in May, “Practical English class” has just begun; there are also plans to hold some outdoor activities during the summer time, etc. On June 2-4, the Mandarin Ministry core group will hold a retreat to continue discussing and planning the development of the Mandarin Ministry. Please continue to pray for the Mandarin ministry!

"Change" is an opportunity, let us hold on tight! "Change" makes us more positive and motivates us to face tomorrow. Because the never changing God who promises to love us forever is our hope!



「改變」是可能會令人不安的, 這是事實。我們每天面對的人、事情、環境、心態等...... 都每時每刻不斷在改變; 但是「改變」也可以是機會。讓我們去思 想,注入新的動力,新的看法。


在六月份主日崇拜的時間將會改變,這崇拜時間是從2002年8月11日國語崇拜成立開始至今快22年了,都沒有更改過。當然,這改變可能會令你不安,不舒服,因為已經習慣了。但「改變」讓我們去思想 - 對教會、對我自己、對一些新來賓,有什麼的益處?在使徒行傳9章1-20節,掃羅在大馬士革(大馬色)路上 遇見主耶穌的經歷, 改變了他的下半生。在第9節說到掃羅有三日不能看見,也不吃,也不喝;相信他在這段時間不斷地思想過去逼迫主耶穌的事和遇見主耶穌的經歷。「改變」能讓我們積極,並有動力地面對明天; 在9章19-20節說「掃羅和大馬士革的門徒同住了些日子,就在各會堂里宣傳耶穌,說他是神的兒子。」

我們國語部今年年初的時候,已經思想該如何善用現有的活動和開拓外展的活動;在3月份開始參加了社區舉辦的音樂活動,透過活動認識本社區內的朋友;在5月份已開始了英語會話班; 還有,計劃在暑假期間舉辦一些戶外活動等等。在6月2-4日,國語部同工將舉行退修會,會繼續探討和計劃國語部的發展。請大家繼續為國語部的事工禱告!
