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Family News:

  1. Theme 2024: "Walk with Jesus with actions and in truth"
    Theme verse: "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." (1 John 3:18)
    Sub-theme for Spring (Jan - Mar): "Walk with Jesus, live out faith"
    Sub-theme verse: "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." (Hebrews 11:6)
  2. A joint prayer meeting will be held at 11:30 am after EM Service in the sanctuary focusing on praying for CM ministry. Welcome all to join and pray for the church and let us be a prayer-driven church.
  3. Financial Department Announcement: The 2023 tax receipts have been prepared and will be distributed at the basement after worship on February 4, February 11 and February 18. If you cannot collect in person at the church on the above three Sundays, the 2023 tax receipts of $20 or over will be sent by mail to the congregation on February 19.
  4. Bethel is now advocating Prayer Partner Movement – we encourage groups of 2 - 3 of the same gender, or 2 couples, once a month to have fellowship and pray for each other. Write down the thanksgiving & prayer requests every time, and they can look back and give thanks at the year end prayer meeting.
  5. General Business Department Hiring: Bethel is looking for a self-employed janitor to provide regular janitorial services to our church. If you are interested or know anyone who may be interested, please contact General Business Department, Stephen Wong.
  6. The 2024 "Worship Thanksgiving Flower Presentation Form" has been posted at the entrance of the lobby. Brothers and sisters are welcome to give flowers for special days of thanksgiving. Please write your name on the "Flower Presentation Form". More than one family can participate in the flower donation each week, and the amount of each flower donation is still $50.
  7. 2024 Board of Deacons:
    Chairperson: Alvin Chong
    Vice-Chair: Benjamin Kaan
    Treasurer: Wallace So
    Secretary: Yi Jun Tan
    Deacon: Gary Choi
    Deacon: Ivy Sheir
    Deacon: (pending By-election)
    2024 Department Heads:
    CM Caring Dept: (vacant)
    CM Discipleship Dept: (vacant)
    CM Fellowship Dept: Ivan Liu
    CM Music Dept: Gary Choi (Vice: Joe Chan)
    CM Worship Dept: Gary Choi (Vice: Ivan Liu)
    English Ministry: Philip Sheir
    Family Ministry: (vacant)
    Kidz Ministry: (vacant)
    Mandarin Ministry: Ivy Sheir
    Men Ministry: Wallace So
    General Business Dept: Stephen Wong
    Membership Dept: Edward Tsang
    Missions Dept: (vacant)
    Outreach Dept: Ken Hu
    IT Support: Gary Choi
  8. Lunar New Year is coming soon. Showers of Blessing Evangelistic Ministry (SOBEM) has provided our church with a set of blessing words. You are welcome to take a set per family.
  9. Julie will work 2 to 3 days from Feb as per physician's request. We still need volunteers to help the making of Chinese bulletin and power-point. Please contact pastors or Worship Department head for details.
  10. Serving is an important part of Discipleship. To help our congregation grow spiritually, EM leadership has written Ministry Description for various roles to help our congregation discover areas they may be able to contribute and serve. The Ministry Descriptions will be posted on the EM Bulletin Board outside of the Chapel. Please prayerfully consider serving together.



  1. 2024主題:「與主同行,踐行真道
    主題經文:「小子們哪,我們相愛,不要只在言語和舌頭上,總要在行為和誠實上。」 (約翰一書 3:18)
    季度金句:「人非有信,就不能得神的喜悅;因為到神面前來的人必須信有神,且信他賞賜那尋求他的人。」(希伯來書 11:6)
  2. 崇拜後上午11:30於禮堂有聯合祈禱會,為粵語事工祈禱,歡迎弟兄姊妹留步參加,踴躍為教會事工守望禱告,讓頌主堂成為禱告的教會。
  3. 財務部通告:2023年之奉獻退稅收據已備妥,請於2月 4日、2月11日 或 2月18日崇拜後往土庫領取。如未能於上述三主日親自到教會領取者,2023年20元或以上的退稅收據會於2月19日以郵遞方式寄給會衆。
  4. 教會現推行禱告伴侶運動 – 鼓勵同性別2至3人一組,或2對夫婦一組,每月最少一次見面交通及彼此代禱,並記下每次的感恩及代禱事項,年終感恩時可用以回望及感恩。
  5. 總務部招聘:本堂現正招聘一名以自僱形式為本堂提供定期清潔服務的人士。如果您有興趣或認識任何可能感興趣的人,請聯絡總務部Stephen Wong黃光智弟兄。
  6. 2024年「崇拜感恩獻花表」 已經張貼在大堂入口處,歡迎弟兄姊妹為感恩事項或感恩特別日子獻花。請在「獻花表上」寫上姓名。每星期可以有多過一個家庭以上參與獻花奉獻, 每次獻花奉獻金額仍為$50正。
  7. 2024執事會
    主席:Alvin Chong 張漢忠
    副主席:Benjamin Kaan 簡基業
    司庫:Wallace So 蘇錦棠
    書記:Yi Jun Tan 譚毅君
    執事:Gary Choi 蔡智雄
    粵語事工團契部:Ivan Liu 廖廣泉弟兄
    粵語事工聖樂部:Gary Choi 蔡智雄執事 (副部長:Joe Chan 陳大輝弟兄)
    粵語事工崇拜部:Gary Choi 蔡智雄執事 (副部長:Ivan Liu 廖廣泉弟兄)
    英語事工:Philip Sheir 佘樂謙弟兄
    國語事工:Ivy Sheir 佘梁鈺瑛執事
    男士事工:Wallace So 蘇錦棠執事
    總務部:Stephen Wong 黃光智弟兄
    會友部:Edward Tsang 曾慶樂弟兄
    外展部:Ken Hu 胡建文弟兄
    技術支援:Gary Choi 蔡智雄執事
  8. 農曆新年將至,恩主之聲送來教會一套三式揮春,歡迎會眾索取。
  9. 行政助理蘇梁秀萍由2月起,按醫生吩咐返兩日工,兩星期後返三日工,以便康復進度。在此期間,教會需要多名義工幫忙製作程序表及簡報,詳情請與崇拜部或教牧聯絡。



  1. 2024主题:「与主同行,践行真道
    主题经文:「小子们哪,我们相爱,不要只在言语和舌头上,总要在行为和诚实上。」 (约翰一书 3:18)
    季度金句:「人非有信,就不能得神的喜悦;因为到神面前来的人必须信有神,且信他赏赐那寻求他的人。」(希伯来书 11:6)
  2. 崇拜后上午11:30于礼堂有联合祈祷会,为粤语事工祈祷,欢迎弟兄姊妹留步参加,踊跃为教会事工守望祷告,让颂主堂成为祷告的教会。
  3. 财务部通告:2023年之奉献退税收据已备妥,请于2月 4日、2月11日 或 2月18日崇拜后往土库领取。如未能于上述三主日亲自到教会领取者,2023年20元或以上的退税收据会于2月19日以邮递方式寄给会众。
  4. 教会现推行祷告伴侣运动 – 鼓励同性别2至3人一组,或2对夫妇一组,每月最少一次见面交通及彼此代祷,并记下每次的感恩及代祷事项,年终感恩时可用以回望及感恩。
  5. 总务部招聘:本堂现正招聘一名以自雇形式为本堂提供定期清洁服务的人士。如果您有兴趣或认识任何可能感兴趣的人,请联络总务部Stephen Wong黄光智弟兄。
  6. 2024年「崇拜感恩献花表」 已经张贴在大堂入口处,欢迎弟兄姊妹为感恩事项或感恩特别日子献花。请在「献花表上」写上姓名。每星期可以有多过一个家庭以上参与献花奉献, 每次献花奉献金额仍为$50正。
  7. 2024执事会
    主席:Alvin Chong 张汉忠
    副主席:Benjamin Kaan 简基业
    司库:Wallace So 苏锦棠
    书记:Yi Jun Tan 谭毅君
    执事:Gary Choi 蔡智雄
    粤语事工团契部:Ivan Liu 廖广泉弟兄
    粤语事工圣乐部:Gary Choi 蔡智雄执事 (副部长:Joe Chan 陈大辉弟兄)
    粤语事工崇拜部:Gary Choi 蔡智雄执事 (副部长:Ivan Liu 廖广泉弟兄)
    英语事工:Philip Sheir 佘乐谦弟兄
    国语事工:Ivy Sheir 佘梁钰瑛执事
    男士事工:Wallace So 苏锦棠执事
    总务部:Stephen Wong 黄光智弟兄
    会友部:Edward Tsang 曾庆乐弟兄
    外展部:Ken Hu 胡建文弟兄
    技术支援:Gary Choi 蔡智雄执事
  8. 农历新年将至,恩主之声送来教会一套三式挥春,欢迎会众索取。
  9. 行政助理苏梁秀萍由2月起,按医生吩咐返两日工,两星期后返三日工,以便康复进度。在此期间,教会需要多名义工帮忙制作程序表及简报,详情请与崇拜部或教牧联络。