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Family News:

  1. Theme 2024: "Walk with Jesus with actions and in truth"
    Theme verse: "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." (1 John 3:18)
    Sub-theme for Spring (Apr-Jun): "Walk with Jesus, live out hope"
    Sub-theme verse: "Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God." (Psalm 42:5)
  2. Bethel’s 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held in-person on June 23, 2024 (Sunday) at 12:00 PM after the Cantonese Sunday Worship Service in the main sanctuary. The Family Forum will be incorporated as part of this AGM. An active member can authorize another active member by proxy to represent him/her in the AGM. Each active member can carry a maximum of three (3) proxies at each meeting. For details, please refer to the Notice and agenda of the AGM that are posted on the bulletin board and on our church website (www.bethelmb.org). The Active Membership List is also posted on the bulletin board, please contact the Membership Department for queries about the list.
  3. Cantonese Prayer Meeting will be held at 12:15 am after CM Service in the sanctuary focusing on Family Ministry. Welcome all to join and pray for the families and let us be a prayer-driven church.
  4. This year's Church Picnic will be held on July 14 (Sunday), at the Riverfront Park. Fees (lunch included) are: adult: $15; children (4-12): $7; children under 4: free. Registration will start on June 16.
  5. Starting this month on June 9, English Prayer Meeting will be rescheduled to 9:30 am every Sunday (except the 1st Sunday joint prayer meeting) in the basement chapel. We welcome and encourage brothers and sisters to join and pray together.
  6. The Membership Department will establish a Visitation Team and a Transport Team. The Visitation Team will conduct visits on weekdays, while the Transport Team will be responsible for transporting those in need during the Caleb Fellowship on Wednesdays and the Cantonese Worship Service. Those interested in serving can contact Rev. Woo or Brother Edward Tsang, the head of the Membership Department, or Ivan Liu, the head of Fellowship Department.
  7. Rev. Stephen Woo will be off on Jun 13 in lieu of May 28.
  8. Pastor Tommy will be off on Jun 13 in lieu of May 13 & May 23.



  1. 2024主題:「與主同行,踐行真道
    主題經文:「小子們哪,我們相愛,不要只在言語和舌頭上,總要在行為和誠實上。」(約翰一書 3:18)
    季度金句:「我的心哪,你為何憂悶?為何在我裏面煩躁?應當仰望神,因他笑臉幫助我;我還要稱讚他。」(詩篇 42:5)
  2. 本堂2024年年度會友大會將於2024年6月23日(主日)中午12時在粵語主日崇拜後在禮堂以實體方式舉行。家事分享會將納入為此次會友大會的一部分。常到會友可用委託書,委託另一位常到會友代表出席會友大會。每一位常到會友,在每次會議中,可持有最多三份委託書。詳情請查閱已刊登在公告板和教會網站上(www.bethelmb.org)的年度會友大會的開會通知書和大會議程。常到會友名單亦已張貼在公告板,有關常到會友名單的查詢,請聯絡會友部。
  3. 粵語崇拜後12:15於禮堂有祈禱會,為家庭事工祈禱,歡迎弟兄姊妹留步參加,踴躍為家庭事工守望禱告,讓頌主堂成為禱告的教會。
  4. 今年的教會大旅行將於7月14日(主日)下午舉行,地點是 Riverfront Park,收費(包午餐):成人 $15;孩童 (4-12) $7;4歲以下免費。6月16日開始接受報名。
  5. 從6月9日開始,英語祈禱會將改於每主日上午9:30(每月第一個主日除外)在土庫禮堂舉行。我們歡迎並鼓勵弟兄姊妹一起禱告。
  6. 會友部將成立探訪隊及車載隊,分別於平日探訪,及於星期三迦勒團及粵語崇拜負責接載有需要人士,有意參與事奉者,可與胡牧師或會友部部長曾慶樂弟兄、團契部廖廣泉弟兄聯絡。
  7. 胡志雄牧師將於6月13日補假。
  8. 袁名慧傳道將於6月13日補假。



  1. 2024主题:「与主同行,践行真道
  2. 本堂2024年年度会友大会将于2024年6月23日(主日)中午12时在粤语主日崇拜后在礼堂以实体方式举行。家事分享会将纳入为此次会友大会的一部分。常到会友可用委托书,委托另一位常到会友代表出席会友大会。每一位常到会友,在每次会议中,可持有最多三份委托书。详情请查阅已刊登在公告板和教会网站上(www.bethelmb.org)的年度会友大会的开会通知书和大会议程。常到会友名单亦已张贴在公告板,有关常到会友名单的查询,请联络会友部。
  3. 粤语崇拜后12:15于礼堂有祈祷会,为家庭事工祈祷,欢迎弟兄姊妹留步参加,踊跃为家庭事工守望祷告,让颂主堂成为祷告的教会。
  4. 今年的教会大旅行将于7月14日(主日)下午举行,地点是 Riverfront Park,收费(包午餐):成人 $15;孩童 (4-12) $7;4岁以下免费。 6月16日开始接受报名。
  5. 从6月9日开始,英语祈祷会将改于每主日上午9:30(每月第一个主日除外)在土库礼堂举行。我们欢迎并鼓励弟兄姊妹一起祷告。
  6. 会友部将成立探访队及车载队,分别于平日探访,及于星期三迦勒团及粤语崇拜负责接载有需要人士,有意参与事奉者,可与胡牧师或会友部部长曾庆乐弟兄、团契部廖广泉弟兄联络。
  7. 胡志雄牧师将于6月13日补假。
  8. 袁名慧传道将于6月13日补假。