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Family News:

  1. Theme 2024: "Walk with Jesus with actions and in truth"
    Theme verse: "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." (1 John 3:18)
    Sub-theme for Spring (Apr-Jun): "Walk with Jesus, live out hope"
    Sub-theme verse: "Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God." (Psalm 42:5)
  2. This year's Church Picnic will be held on July 14 (Sunday), at the Riverfront Park. Fees (lunch included) are: adult: $15; children (4-12): $7; children under 4: free. Registration has already started. Please register and pay the fee(s) in the basement after Sunday Service.
  3. Bethel will hold a farewell party for Rev. Leung in the basement after the Cantonese service today. This is to express our gratitude to Rev. Leung for her faithful service and dedicated pastoral care for the children at Bethel over the past eight years. During this time, she has worked diligently and has been deeply loved by the children and their parents. Brothers and sisters are welcome to join us in the basement after the Cantonese service on June 30th to enjoy refreshments, have a short chat with Rev. Leung, and take photos together. Prayer meeting will hence be put on pause once.
  4. 2024 Annual General Meeting was successfully held last Sunday, June 23. At the meeting, 2 non-deacon members, Brothers Ivan Chiu and Ivan Liu, were elected to join the senior pastor, Rev. Woo, and 2 deacons, Gary Choi and Ivy Sheir, to form the Nomination Committee to nominate candidates for 2025 new Deacons.
  5. At the 2024 AGM held last Sunday, the treasurer, Deacon Wallace So, presented to the members our church’s financial situation and the financial challenges that we are facing. Relevant information has been posted on the bulletin board on the main floor, and brothers and sisters are welcome to check it out for details. Let’s pray for Bethel and for each other as we face the challenges together.
  6. The church's fiscal deficit for 2023-24 is $103,929, and the fiscal budget for 2024-25 will also be a deficit budget. To effectively solve the deficit problem, as long as each person donates an extra $10 every Sunday, or an extra $40 a month, it can be solved. The Deacons Board pray that the congregation can take one more step next year and work together to resolve the church’s financial deficit.
  7. Children's Ministry is inviting brothers and sisters to come join the team to shape the lives of our children. Training will be provided. Please contact Pastor Peter Chong for more information.
  8. Kids ministry and Chinese school hosted a Summer kick off family BBQ on last Sat (Jun. 22). Thanks God for suitable weather and all the helpers! We have more than 50 parents and kids attended to enjoy the fun activities and yummy food together!
  9. Jul. 1 (Mon) is Canada Day. Church office will be closed.
  10. Rev. Stephen Woo will be off on July 4 in lieu of June 15, 22, 29.
  11. Pastor Tommy Yuen will be off on July 3-12.
  12. Pastoral Corner: June 2024 - Pastor Peter Chong.



  1. 2024主題:「與主同行,踐行真道
    主題經文:「小子們哪,我們相愛,不要只在言語和舌頭上,總要在行為和誠實上。」(約翰一書 3:18)
    季度金句:「我的心哪,你為何憂悶?為何在我裏面煩躁?應當仰望神,因他笑臉幫助我;我還要稱讚他。」(詩篇 42:5)
  2. 今年的教會大旅行將於7月14日(主日)下午舉行,地點是 Riverfront Park,收費(包午餐):成人 $15;孩童 (4-12) $7;4歲以下免費。現已接受報名,請於崇拜後到土庫報名及繳費。
  3. 今天粵語崇拜後,在土庫為梁婉慧牧師舉行歡送會,感謝梁牧師在過去八年多在頌主堂忠心事奉及悉心牧養兒童,期間默默耕耘,深受兒童及家長們愛戴;歡迎弟兄姊妹在6月30日粵語崇拜後,到土庫享用茶點小食,與梁牧師交談短聚及拍照留念。當天祈禱會將暫停一次。
  4. 2024年度會友大會已於6月23日(上主日)順利舉行。大會中選出2位非現任執事的會友趙子文弟兄和廖廣全弟兄,聯同主任牧師胡牧師及2位執事蔡智雄執事和佘梁鈺瑛執事組成提名委員會,提名2025年新執事的候選人。
  5. 在2024年度會友大會中,司庫蘇錦棠執事向會友陳述了本堂的財務狀況和所面臨的財政挑戰,相關資料已刊貼在正層公告板上,歡迎弟兄姊妹查閱。請為頌主堂和彼此祈禱,讓我們同心一同面對挑戰。
  6. 教會2023至24年度的財政赤字是$103,929,2024至25年度的財政預算亦將會是赤字預算。要有效解決赤字問題,只要每人每主日額外再多奉獻10元,或每月再多奉獻40元,便能解決。盼望會眾於明年能多行一步,同心合意地解決教會財赤問題。
  7. 兒童事工現正招募以基督樣式塑造孩子生命的事奉人員。我們將會提供培訓。如有查詢,請聯絡張俊德傳道。
  8. 上週六(6月22日)兒童事工和中文學校聯合舉辦了夏日家庭繽紛BBQ活動。感謝神賜美好的天氣和所有幫忙的弟兄姊妹,大約 50多名家長和孩子參加,享受歡樂的活動時間和美味的食物。
  9. 7月1日(星期一)為加拿大國慶日假期,教會辦公室休假。
  10. 胡志雄牧師將於7月4日補假。
  11. 袁名慧傳道將於7月3 -12日放假。
  12. 頌主牧函:2024年6月 - 張俊德傳道



  1. 2024主题:「与主同行,践行真道
  2. 今年的教会大旅行将于7月14日(主日)下午举行,地点是 Riverfront Park,收费(包午餐):成人 $15;孩童 (4-12) $7;4岁以下免费。现已接受报名,请于崇拜后到土库报名及缴费。
  3. 今天粤语崇拜后,在土库为梁婉慧牧师举行欢送会,感谢梁牧师在过去八年多在颂主堂忠心事奉及悉心牧养儿童,期间默默耕耘,深受儿童及家长们爱戴;欢迎弟兄姊妹在6月30日粤语崇拜后,到土库享用茶点小食,与梁牧师交谈短聚及拍照留念。当天祈祷会将暂停一次。
  4. 2024年度会友大会已于6月23日(上主日)顺利举行。大会中选出2位非现任执事的会友赵子文弟兄和廖广全弟兄,联同主任牧师胡牧师及2位执事蔡智雄执事和佘梁钰瑛执事组成提名委员会,提名2025年新执事的候选人。
  5. 在2024年度会友大会中,司库苏锦棠执事向会友陈述了本堂的财务状况和所面临的财政挑战,相关资料已刊贴在正层公告板上,欢迎弟兄姊妹查阅。请为颂主堂和彼此祈祷,让我们同心一同面对挑战。
  6. 教会2023至24年度的财政赤字是$103,929,2024至25年度的财政预算亦将会是赤字预算。要有效解决赤字问题,只要每人每主日额外再多奉献10元,或每月再多奉献40元,便能解决。盼望会众于明年能多行一步,同心合意地解决教会财赤问题。
  7. 儿童事工现正招募以基督样式塑造孩子生命的事奉人员。我们将会提供培训。如有查询,请联络张俊德传道。
  8. 上周六(6月22日)儿童事工和中文学校联合举办了夏日家庭缤纷BBQ活动。感谢神赐美好的天气和所有帮忙的弟兄姊妹,大约 50多名家长和孩子参加,享受欢乐的活动时间和美味的食物。
  9. 7月1日(星期一)为加拿大国庆日假期,教会办公室休假。
  10. 胡志雄牧师将于7月4日补假。
  11. 袁名慧传道将于7月3 -12日放假。
  12. 颂主牧函:2024年6月 - 张俊德传道