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Family News:
- Theme 2024: "Walk with Jesus with actions and in truth"
Theme verse: "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." (1 John 3:18)
Sub-theme for Summer (Jul-Sep): "Walk with Jesus, live out love"
Sub-theme verse: "We love because he first loved us. Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister." (1 John 4:19-21)
- A Special Town Hall Meeting will be held on September 8, 2024 (Sunday) at 12:00 pm in the main sanctuary to present the basement kitchen renovation plan to the congregation. The meeting will be approx. 20 min long. Please reserve time to attend.
- KM would like to invite Parents and Guardians, KM workers and helpers, and those who are considering serving at KM to attend our Parent's Meeting on Sunday, September 8, 2024 after the Special Town Hall Meeting @ 12:20 pm - 1 pm. Please reserve that day and plan ahead on your schedule. Lunch will be provided. Thank you for your cooperation.
- Mid-Autumn Lantern Riddle Night will be held on Sept 16 (Mon) at 7:30 pm at the basement. Welcome all to bring your friends and relatives to join and enjoy the festival.
- Deacon Election will be held in-person on Sunday, September 22, 2024 by referendum. On Election Day, active members can vote at church after Mandarin worship service or after Cantonese/English worship service. Election will end at 1:00 p.m. on the same day. Notice of the Deacon Election is posted on the bulletin board and on our church’s website, please refer to the Notice for details.
- Pastoral Corner: August 2024 - Pastor Peter Chong.
- 2024主題:「與主同行,踐行真道」
主題經文:「小子們哪,我們相愛,不要只在言語和舌頭上,總要在行為和誠實上。」(約翰一書 3:18)
季度金句:「我們愛,因為神先愛我們。人若說我愛神,卻恨他的弟兄,就是說謊話的;不愛他所看見的弟兄,就不能愛沒有看見的神。愛神的,也當愛弟兄,這是我們從神所受的命令。」(約翰一書 4:19-21)
- 一個特別家會將於2024年9月8日(主日)中午12時在禮堂舉行,向會眾介紹裝修土庫廚房的計劃。會議約長20分鐘 ,請預留時間出席 。
- KM兒童核心小組邀請家長和監護人、KM同工作和幫手,以及那些正在考慮在KM服事的弟兄姊妹參加我們於2024年9月8日(主日)的家長會,在特別家會之後下午12時20分至1時舉行。請預訂當天並提前計劃您的日程安排。將提供午餐。謝謝您的合作。
- 9月16日(一)晚上7時30分至9時於土庫將舉行中秋燈謎晚會,歡迎會眾帶親友踴躍出席,共慶佳節。
- 執事選舉將於2024年9月22日(主日)以實體「全會友投票」方式舉行。常到會友可於選舉日在國語崇拜之後或粵語崇拜/英語崇拜之後在教會投票。選舉將於當日下午1時結束。執事選舉通知書已刊登在公告板和教會網站上,詳情請閱覽通知書。
- 頌主牧函:2024年8月 - 張俊德傳道。
- 2024主题:「与主同行,践行真道」
主题经文:「小子们哪,我们相爱,不要只在言语和舌头上,总要在行为和诚实上。」(约翰一书 3:18)
季度金句:「我们爱,因为神先爱我们。人若说我爱神,却恨他的弟兄,就是说谎话的;不爱他所看见的弟兄,就不能爱没有看见的神。爱神的,也当爱弟兄,这是我们从神所受的命令。」(约翰一书 4:19-21)
- 一个特别家会将于2024年9月8日(主日)中午12时在礼堂举行,向会众介绍装修土库厨房的计划。会议约长20分钟,请预留时间出席 。
- KM儿童核心小组邀请家长和监护人、KM同工作和帮手,以及那些正在考虑在KM服事的弟兄姊妹参加我们于2024年9月8日(主日)的家长会,在特别家会之后下午12时20分至1时举行。请预订当天并提前计划您的日程安排。将提供午餐。谢谢您的合作。
- 9月16日(一)晚上7时30分至9时于土库将举行中秋灯谜晚会,欢迎会众带亲友踊跃出席,共庆佳节。
- 執事選舉將於2024年9月22日(主日)以實體「全會友投票」方式舉行。常到會友可於選舉日在國語崇拜之後或粵語崇拜/英語崇拜之後在教會投票。選舉將於當日下午1時結束。執事選舉通知書已刊登在公告板和教會網站上,詳情請閱覽通知書。
- 颂主牧函:2024年8月 - 张俊德传道。